Temple University Undergraduate Bulletin
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Liberal Arts

General Information
Academic Advising
Academic Policies & Regulations
College Graduation Requirements
Student Contact Information

Programs of study

African American Studies
American Studies
Minor, Asian American Studies
Concentration, Human Biology
Concentration, Visual Anthropology
Minor, General Anthropology
Minor, Visual Anthropology
Asian Studies
Minor, Asian Studies
Minor, Asian American Studies
Certificate, Asian Business and Society
Concentration, Classical Languages & Literature
Concentration, Classical Civilizations
Minor, Ancient Mediterranean Studies
Criminal Justice
Critical Languages
Minor, Arabic
Minor, Chinese
Minor, Japanese
Certificate, Arabic
Certificate, Chinese
Certificate, Japanese
Minor, Economics
Mathematical Economics
Certificate, Political Economy
Certificate, Management Career
Concentration, Creative Writing
Certificate, Writing
Environmental Studies
Certificate, Foreign Language
Geography and Urban Studies
Double Major with College of Education
Certificate, Travel and Tourism
Certificate, Geog. of Tourism
Certificate, Geog. of Sports Rec. & Tourism Planning
Certificate, Foreign Language
Certificate, Foreign Language
Jewish Studies
Concentration, History
Concentration, Religion
Certificate, Jewish Secular Studies
Latin American Studies
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Studies (LGBT)
Mathematical Economics
Neuroscience: Systems, Behavior & Plasticity
Emphasis, Pre-Law
Political Science
Minor, Psychology
Minor, Cognitive Neuroscience
Concentration, Health Track
Minor, Sociology
Minor, Sociology of Health
Certificate, Health Research
Spanish and Portuguese
Language, Literature, and Linguistics
Language and Professional Studies
Spanish for Education
Minor, Spanish
Minor, Portuguese
Certificate, Multilingual Business and Gov. Studies
Certificate, Spanish
Certificate, Spanish and Latin-Amer. Studies, Business
Certificate, Latin-Amer. Studies, Health & Human Services
Certificate, Latin-Amer. Studies
Women's Studies
Available at Temple University Japan Only
General Program
International Affairs
International Business Studies
Psychological Studies

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  Academic Programs / Liberal Arts

Academic Advising

College of Liberal Arts Academic Advising Center
1810 Liacouras Walk, Suite 301

Visit the CLA Academic Advising Center web site at www.cla.temple.edu/advising.


Academic Advising Center

The Academic Advising Center in the College of Liberal Arts helps students plan curricula, choose majors, make vocational and post-graduate plans, and resolve a variety of academic matters. Services are provided by a staff of full-time professional advisors. The Center informs students about the results of placement testing and assignment into corresponding courses. Monitoring of academic progress and graduation clearance is also the responsibility of the Advising Center. Through individual appointments and group workshops, the center offers the following services:

  • New Student Orientation.
  • Advising and registration assistance for all students in the College of Liberal Arts. Students enrolled in the University Honors Program also receive advising in the Honors Program Office in Tuttleman Learning Center, Suite 201.  Students are strongly encouraged to seek faculty advising in their major department.
  • It is recommended, and in some cases required, that students consult with an advisor prior to registration. The advisor will review the proposed coursework and inform students of the requirements for graduation. In addition, the advisor helps students achieve breadth in their curriculum and provides other needed assistance.
  • Academic advising provides an opportunity for students to develop a meaningful education plan compatible with their life goals. Students can also meet with advisors to discuss a variety of academic concerns and identify solutions. Students on academic probation or experiencing academic difficulty work with advisors to learn strategies for overcoming the obstacles to success.
  • Intra-University Transfer (IUT) Advising for students changing programs and moving into the College of Liberal Arts from other schools and colleges within Temple. During mandatory group advising sessions, students transferring to Liberal Arts learn about collegial degree requirements, policies and procedures, and complete the Change of Program form.

All academic advisors are trained to evaluate information carefully to give students the best possible advice. Primary responsibility for course selection and degree completion rests with the student.  Every student must be aware of the requirements of his or her degree and should collaborate with an advisor regularly to ensure timely completion of his or her program.

Department-Based Advisors

All departments in the College of Liberal Arts have designated faculty advisors, undergraduate chairs, or embedded professional advisors, with whom students can discuss the requirements of their major, minor, and/or certificate programs.  For a listing of CLA faculty advisors, consult: www.cla.temple.edu/advising/departmental/.

Student Grievance Procedures

Title IX of the Educational Amendments Act of 1972 requires that each college or university establish due process for the resolution of academic grievances. This is to protect students from prejudiced and capricious academic evaluation. All undergraduate students enrolled in the College of Liberal Arts have a right to appeal grades which they deem unfair and unreasonable. The student must provide evidence indicating a mistake, fraud, or bad faith on the part of an instructor. Students will not be allowed to grieve a grade unless it is accompanied by such evidence.

Students should first contact their instructor to discuss the grade(s) in question, and if the matter cannot be resolved at that level, students are then urged to talk with the chairperson for the department in which this course was given. Chairperson information is available in this publication. A student must initiate the first stage of an academic grievance by the dates in the College of Liberal Arts Grievance Procedure, available at www.cla.temple.edu/students/undergraduate/grievances/.

For more information, students should contact the college's Grievance Officer, Amanda Gibson, at gibson@temple.edu or 215-204-8504.


Non Academic Grievances

Students may have grievances that are not academic in nature. Such grievances should be directed to other offices on campus, which may include the Office of the Dean of Students, the Equal Opportunity Compliance office, Office of University Housing and Residential Life, and other units on campus. Students unsure as to where to proceed with a non-academic grievance should consult either with the Office of the Dean of Students or the college’s Academic Advising Center.

Pre-Law Advising



Pre Law Advisors

Elizabeth Reynard

CLA Academic Advising


Paul Crowe

Department of Philosophy



Preparation for the Study of Law 

All law schools accept the degree of Bachelor of Arts as fulfillment of their requirements for admission. The Pre-Legal Education Committee of the Association of American Law Schools and the Temple University School of Law stress the importance of a well-rounded education. Liberal arts majors are considered excellent preparation for law school.  Although Temple University does not have a specific major in Pre-Law, we do offer specialized advising for students interested in applying to law school, as well as majors in challenging disciplines that will help students hone their critical thinking, analytical and communication skills.  Since the legal profession makes extensive use of both the written and spoken English language as professional tools, the law student should have extensive preparation in English in undergraduate courses. Because a large part of a lawyer's work requires problem solving and sound judgment, students should take courses that help develop creative power in thinking. The study of law, furthermore, rests upon a broad knowledge of western civilization, including its political, economic, and social institutions; hence, the student preparing for law should schedule courses which afford this broad background. Some law schools also recommend two semesters of accounting. After selecting a field of concentration, the student schedules courses in consultation with both the advisor in the area of concentration and with the pre-law advisor in the Academic Advising Center of the College of Liberal Arts.


Courses of Special Interest to Pre-Law Students 

While no specific undergraduate courses or majors are required for admission to accredited law schools, pre-law students are advised to select courses and programs of study that are intellectually challenging, while helping to develop necessary skills and knowledge.

To develop the communications skills of reading and comprehension, expository writing, and speaking:


Subject Course # Course Title Hours Attribute
Communication Sciences & Disorders 1108 Introduction to Linguistics 3  
Adult & Organizational Development 2214 Conflict & Communication 3  
English 2009 Writing the Research Essay 3  
English 2496 Introduction to Writing Non-Fiction 3 WI
English 2000+ Upper-level literature courses 3  
Strategic Communication 1111 Public Speaking 3  
Strategic Communication 2112 Strategies & Tactics of Persuasion 3  


To develop analytical reasoning skills:


Subject Course # Course Title Hours Attribute
Philosophy 1055 Critical Thinking 3  
Philosophy 1066 Introduction to Logic 3 QB
Philosophy 1196 Introduction to Philosophy 3 WI
Philosophy 2121 Introduction to Ethical Theory 3  
Strategic Communication 3336 Argumentation 3  
Computer Science and Mathematics        
Natural Science        


Courses that are "law-related" because they either require reading of law cases or concern the study of particular legal issues are listed below for the convenience of interested students. Law school admissions officials prefer that pre-law students take very few such courses, believing that the teaching of law more appropriately belongs in the province of the law school. It may be useful, however, for students who are uncertain about attending law school to test their level of interest by selecting one or more of the following courses in the College of Liberal Arts:


Subject Course # Course Title Hours Attribute
American Studies 3033 Courtroom in American Society 3  
Criminal Justice 2501 Introduction to Criminal Law 3  
Criminal Justice 3201 The American Jury System 3  
Criminal Justice 3502 Criminal Procedure: Prosecution & Adjudication 3  
History 2105 Race & the U.S. Constitution 3  
Philosophy 1062 Morality & the Law 3  
Philosophy 2154 Political Philosophy 3  
Philosophy 3243 Philosophy of Law 3  
Political Science 3121 American Constitutional Principles I 3  
Political Science 3123 American Constitutional Principles II: Civil Rights in America 3  
Political Science 3411 Classical Political Philosophy 3  
Sociology 3243 Social Movements & Conflict 3  
Women's Studies 4004 Women and Criminal Justice 3  


Since most law schools require applicants to submit the score earned on the Law School Aptitude Test, administered periodically by the Law School Admissions Service, students planning to study law should consult the pre-law advisor prior to the senior year to determine whether the school to which they plan to apply will require such a test and to determine the dates when such examinations are given. Prospective law students should consult the pre-law advisor about requirements for admission to law school, law school scholarship assistance, and opportunities in the legal profession. To satisfy statutory requirements, early in their senior year, prospective law students should consult the pre-law advisor concerning the legal requirements for practicing law in the state in which the student desires to study and practice.


Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, International 

Students interested in College of Liberal Arts pre-law studies are encouraged to join Phi Alpha Delta. Its pre-law program assists "undergraduate students to make an 'informed choice' in selecting law as a career, deciding which law school to attend, and in preparing for the rigors of law school."

Phi Alpha Delta was formed "to advance the ideals of liberty and equal justice under law; to stimulate excellence in scholarship; to inspire the virtues of compassion and courage; to foster integrity and professional competence; to promote the welfare of its members; and to encourage their moral, intellectual, and cultural advancement." For more information about Phi Alpha Delta and College of Liberal Arts pre-law society, please contact Dr. Paul Crowe, pre-law advisor, at 215-204-8591 or pcrowe@temple.edu.

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