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Media & Communication

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programs of study

Communication Studies
Arts in the Public Sphere
Communication Studies Thesis
Contemporary Media Environments
Global Civil Society
Policy, Regulation and Advocacy
Media Studies & Production
Emergent Media
Media Analysis
Media Business & Entrpreneurship
Media Production
Minor, Digital Media Technologies
Strategic Communication
General Sequence
Rhetoric & Public Advocacy
Organizational Leadership
Public Relations
Minor in Leadership
Minor in Public Relations
International Communication Concentration

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  Academic Programs / Media & Communication

Communication Studies

Scott Gratson, Ph.D., Program Director
9C Annenberg Hall




Communication Studies is a studies-based interdisciplinary major. It features the academic (aesthetic, analytical, critical, historical, theoretical) and interdisciplinary study of communication as represented by the departments included within the School of Media and Communication.

Designed to ensure flexibility and choice, Communications Studies allows students a chance to fully investigate multiple fields in the communications discipline. Emphasis is placed on providing an overview of Communication while also accentuating personal academic growth. Personal choice and options allow students a chance to complete the degree in a timely manner. In this interdisciplinary program, Communication Studies students will select Policy, Regulation and Advocacy; Contemporary Media Environments; Global Civil Society; or Arts in the Public Sphere as a distinctive area of investigation. A Major of Distinction track is also available for advanced scholars. The flexibility of the Communications Studies program offers students access to the field experiences, internships, and study away experiences vital to a comprehensive education. Students with a number of skill sets and academic interest areas are often drawn to this innovative program and graduates are poised for a number of professional and academic possibilities, such as graduate, law, or professional school. Graduates of this program will be well-suited to pursue a variety of positions across numerous aspects of the Communications field.

Students receive cross-curricular expertise through foundation and core courses. Academic rigor and student choice are at the very core of the program. Choices allow a student flexibility and curricular oversight ensures a solid, academically robust education. Courses are designed to allow student progress to be monitored at yearly intervals. Experiential learning is promoted, particularly during the junior and senior years. Cross cultural exchanges and experiences are integral aspects of the program's design. Advanced scholars have a distinct and individualized track.


Program Requirements

The Bachelor of Arts degree requires completion of all University requirements:

  • New students starting in the 2013-2014 academic year are required to complete the General Education (GenEd) curriculum;
  • All students must take a minimum of two writing-intensive courses. The specific writing-intensive courses required for this major are identified with the code "WI" in the Attribute column; and School requirements, with a minimum of 124 semester hours. There is a maximum of 78 s.h. allowed in SMC.  Students must earn a "C" or better in all courses required for the major, including selected courses to fulfill major core (#2 below) and tracks (#3 below), and a minimum 2.0 GPA in the major.

The major requires completion of 42 s.h. in the Communication Studies major:

1) All Communication Studies majors must take the following two foundation courses (6 credits):


Foundation Courses
Subject Course # Course Title Hours Attribute
Communication Studies 1111 Communication and Public Life 3  
Media Studies & Production 1021 Media & Society 3  


2) All majors will take five additional core courses. Students will select one course each from the categories below (15 credits). Students should plan to meet the prerequisites for courses in their selected tracks (see below) by taking appropriate core courses.


Core Courses
Subject Course # Course Title Hours Attribute
Communication Studies 2111 Communications Seminar 3  
Communication Theory (select one from list below): 3  
Advertising 1101 Introduction to Media and Society    
Advertising 1102 Introduction to Advertising    
Media Studies & Production 1011 Introduction to Media Theory    
Journalism 1111 Journalism and Society    
Research Methods (select one from list below): 3  
Advertising 1141 Introduction to Advertising Research    
Media Studies & Production 2141 Media Research
(Prerequisite: Media Studies & Production 1011)
Journalism 2101 Journalism Research (Prerequisite: Journalism 1111 & 1196)    
Analysis (select one from list below): 3  
Advertising 2151 Visual Communication    
Media Studies & Production 2421 Media Popular Culture (Prerequisite: Media Studies & Production 1021)    
Theater 1002 Theater: The Collaborative Art    
Theater 1096 Introduction to Theater Process   WI
Cross-Cultural Perspectives (select one from list below): 3  
Film & Media Arts 1171 Media and Culture    
Strategic Communication 3801 Intercultural Communication    


3) After completing the Foundational and Core Courses, students may continue with the major (A) or apply for the Major of Distinction (B, described below).

A) Major

In consultation with a faculty advisor, a student must take seven courses from those listed under each of the tracks below. Within the track, a student must take at least one course from at least three different departments.

At least four courses in the track must be taken at the 3000 or 4000 level. At least one of these four must be taken at the 4000 level.

Students must have met the prerequisites for courses in their selected tracks by taking the appropriate core courses (see above).

1) Policy, Regulation and Advocacy Track

This track focuses on citizen advocacy in the field of communication as related to and shaped by communication policy and regulation. Students are introduced to historical and recent examples of citizen advocacy in communication policy through the examination of social movements, civic journalism, art and performance, and special interest groups tied to issues of race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and the environment.


Policy, Regulation and Advocacy Track
Subject Course # Course Title Hours Attribute
Advertising 4196 Morality, Law & Advertising (Prerequisite: Communication Studies 2111) 3 WI
Media Studies & Production 3471 Media & Cultural Differences
(Prerequisite: Media Studies & Production 1011 or Communication Studies 2111)
Media Studies & Production 4226 Public Media (Prerequisite: Media Studies & Production 1021) 3  
Media Studies & Production 4454 Public Information Media Campaigns
(Prerequisite: Media Studies & Production 1011 or Communication Studies 2111)
Journalism 3101 Journalism and the Law (Prerequisite: Communication Studies 2111) 3  
Strategic Communication 2112 Strategy & Tactics of Persuasion 3  
Strategic Communication 2296 Rhetoric of Social Movements 3 WI
Strategic Communication 3323 Rhetoric and Political Culture 3  
Strategic Communication 3333 Rhetorical Theory 3  
Strategic Communication       3336 Argumentation 3  
Strategic Communication 3396 Rhetorical Criticism 3 WI
Theater 3052 Theater of Protest 3  
Theater 3057 Queer Theater 3  


2) Contemporary Media Environments Track

This track provides an historical overview of communication technologies - from papyrus to moveable type, from the rotary press to broadcasting and the Internet - and the ways that they shape public life. It will introduce theories on the relationship between technology and society, focusing on the intersection between communication technologies and the public sphere.


Contemporary Media Environments Track
Subject Course # Course Title Hours Attribute
Media Studies & Production 4296 History of Electronic Media (Prerequisite: Media Studies & Production 1021) 3 WI
Media Studies & Production 4445 Media Images & Analysis (Prerequisite: Media Studies & Production 1021) 3  
Media Studies & Production 4453 Information Society (Prerequisite: Media Studies & Production 1021) 3  
Film & Media Arts 3671 Theory & Practice of Media Culture (Prerequisite: Communication Studies 2111) 3  
Film & Media Arts 4674 Anthropological Film/Media 3  
Film & Media Arts 4675 Women Film/Video Artists 4  
Film & Media Arts 3677 American Film 4  
Film & Media Arts 4673 International Cinema 4  
Journalism 2301 Introduction to Magazines (Prerequisite: Communication Studies 2111) 3  
Journalism 3701 Contemporary Media Issues (Prerequisite: Communication Studies 2111) 3  
Journalism 3702 Race and Racism in the News (Prerequisite: Communication Studies 2111) 3  
Journalism 3703 History of Journalism (Prerequisite: Communication Studies 2111) 3  
Journalism 3704 Ethical Issues in Journalism (Prerequisite: Communication Studies 2111) 3  
Journalism 3705 Gender and American Mass Media (Prerequisite: Communication Studies 2111) 3  
Journalism 3707 Visual Communication (Prerequisite: Communication Studies 2111) 3  
Journalism 3708 Newsroom Management (Prerequisite: Communication Studies 2111) 3  
Theater 3052 Theater of Protest 3  


3) Global Civil Society Track

This track will survey evidence on the emergence of global civil society including social movements, historical development, and the growing international public sphere. Courses will address such topics as public diplomacy, global mediascapes, international and public opinion.


Global Civil Society Track
Subject Course # Course Title Hours Attribute
Media Studies & Production 3296 Travel Writing (Permission of SMC Study Away Director or Assistant Director) 3 WI
Media Studies & Production 3473 Media & the Environment (Prerequisite: Media Studies & Production 1021) 3  
Media Studies & Production 3572 Communication & Development
(Prerequisite: Media Studies & Production 1011 or Communication Studies 2111)
Media Studies & Production 4496 Global Media (Prerequisites: Media Studies & Production 1011 & 1021) 3 WI
Media Studies & Production 4571 Foreign Studies in BTMM (Permission of SMC Study Away Director or Assistant Director) 3  
Media Studies & Production 4572 British Media & Telecommunication (Permission of SMC Study Away Director or Assistant Director) 3  
Film & Media Arts 4673 International Cinema (Prerequisite: Communication Studies 2111) 3  
Film & Media Arts 4674 Anthropological Film/Media 3  
Journalism 3706 International News Communication (Prerequisite: Communication Studies 2111) 3  
Journalism 3751 Foreign Studies in Journalism 3 or 6  
Strategic Communication 2672 Global Communication & Leadership 3  
Strategic Communication 4696 Diverse Communication and Leadership 3 WI
Theater 3053 Women in Theater 3  
Theater 3054 African American Theater 3  
Theater 3057 Queer Theater 3  
Theater 3611 Visual History I 3  
Theater 3612 Visual History II 3  


4) Arts in the Public Sphere Track

This track will examine the history and theory of the performative and media-based arts, with a focus on the interplay between aesthetic expression, cultural context, and social change. Study will include courses on both artistic works that address explicit social issues and those that use innovative formal elements to suggest change.


Arts in the Public Sphere Track
Subject Course # Course Title Hours Attribute
Media Studies & Production 3196 Writing Workshop 3 WI
Film & Media Arts 2670 Topics in Film Study 4  
Film & Media Arts 2674 History of Photography 4  
Film & Media Arts 3670 Topics in Media Culture 4  
Film & Media Arts 3671 Theory & Practice of Media Culture
(Prerequisite: Communication Studies 2111)
Film & Media Arts 3770 Topics in Film Study 4  
Film & Media Arts 4670 Topics in Film Study 4  
Film & Media Arts 4674 Anthropological Film/Media 3  
Journalism 3707 Visual Communication
(Prerequisite: Communication Studies 2111)
Theater 2210 Special Topics 2-3  
Theater 3001 History of Theater I 3  
Theater 3002 History of Theater II 3  
Theater 3051 Modern Directions 3  
Theater 3052 Theater of Protest 3  
Theater 3053 Women in Theater 3  
Theater 3054 African American Theater 3  
Theater 3057 Queer Theater 3  
Theater 3070 Seminar in Drama 3  
Theater 3080 Special Topics 2-4  
Theater 3082 General Study 1-3  
Theater 3191 Research 1-3  
Theater 3611 Visual History I 3  
Theater 3612 Visual History II 3  
Theater 4003 Production Dramaturgy 2-4  
Theater 4097 World of the Play 3 WI


B) Major of Distinction (Communication Studies Thesis Track)

The Major of Distinction is an academically rigorous program for students who wish to construct an interdisciplinary curriculum that meets their individual interests across the SCT departments. In the Major of Distinction, each student works individually with a faculty advisor from a relevant SCT department to build a curriculum that goes beyond that offered by the tracks above. The student completes five courses, four of which must be at the 3000 or 4000 level, and in the senior year completes a two-semester thesis. A student in the Major of Distinction must have completed three semesters of a foreign language (or equivalent with the approval of the Director of Communication Studies) by the time of graduation. If appropriate to the student's research, an advanced methods or theory course may be required by the student's faculty advisor.

Students apply for a Major of Distinction in the second semester of their sophomore year. To be considered, students must be on schedule to complete their Foundational and Core Communications courses by the end of their sophomore year. Also, students must have earned at least a 3.5 cumulative grade point average (GPA) in their Foundational and Core Communications courses along with a 3.25 overall GPA. Students must submit an application to the Director of Communication Studies that includes a statement of student's interest, a proposed curriculum, and a support letter from a full-time SCT faculty member willing to act as student's faculty advisor.

Once accepted into the Major of Distinction and in consultation with his or her faculty advisor and the Director of Communication Studies, each student constructs his or her own curriculum. The curriculum must contain five courses, four of which must be at the 3000 or 4000 level, and include courses from at least three of the SCT majors. Courses selected should be designed to lead to the senior-year thesis.

  • No more than 8 s.h. in Kinesiology (physical education activity) may be credited toward the degree.
  • Students may participate in study away programs.
  • Transfer students are required to complete a minimum of 24 s.h. of major courses at Temple.
  • A maximum of 4 s.h. of Internship credit may be counted toward the degree.
  • A maximum of 8 s.h. combined of Independent Study and/or Special Projects may be counted toward the degree.
  • A maximum of 27 s.h. in any one department may be counted toward the degree.

Communication Studies majors may minor in established SCT minors subject to the policies of the individual department. The Communication Studies student who declares a minor must complete the entire program requirements for both the major and the minor, with only the Communication Studies Major introductory required courses listed above fulfilling both the major and minor requirements. Courses in a minor department above the minimum minor requirement may be used to fulfill Communication Studies Major degree requirements.


Suggested Semester By Semester Plan

Please note that this is a suggested academic plan. Depending on your situation, your academic plan may look different.

Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies

Requirements for New Students starting in the 2013-2014 Academic Year


Year 1 - Fall
Subject Course # Course Title Hours Attribute
Communication Studies 1111 Communication and Public Life 3  
Select one of the following Communication Theory courses: 3  
Media Studies & Production
Introduction to Media and Society
Introduction to Advertising
Introduction to Media Theory
Journalism and Society
English 0802, 0812 or 0902 Analytical Reading & Writing 4 GW
GenEd 08xx or 09xx Quantitative Literacy 4 GQ
COMM 1001 Freshman Seminar 1  
Semester Total     15  
Year 1 - Spring
Media Studies & Production 1021 Media and Society 3  
Select one of the following Research Methods courses: 3  
Media Studies & Production
Introduction to Advertising Research
Media Research (prerequisite: Media Studies & Production 1011)
Journalism Research
GenEd 08xx or 09xx U.S. Society 3 GU
GenEd 08xx or 09xx Human Behavior 3 GB
GenEd 08xx or 09xx Global/World Society 3 GG
Semester Total     15  
Year 2 - Fall
Communication Studies 2111 Communications Seminar 3  
Select one of the following Analysis courses: 3  
Media Studies & Production
Visual Communication
Media Popular Culture (prerequisite: Media Studies & Production 1021)
Theater: The Collaborative Art
Introduction to Theater Process
Intellectual Heritage 0851 or 0951 Mosaic: Humanities Seminar I 3 GY
GenEd 08xx or 09xx Arts 3-4 GA
GenEd 08xx or 09xx Science & Technology I 3 GS
Semester Total     15-16  
Year 2 - Spring
Select one of the following Cross-Cultural Perspectives courses: 3  
Film & Media Arts
Strategic Communication
Media & Culture
Intercultural Communication
Track Course any level Select One 3  
Intellectual Heritage 0852 or 0952 Mosaic: Humanities Seminar II 3 GZ
GenEd 08xx or 09xx Science & Technology II 3 GS
GenEd 08xx or 09xx Race & Diversity 3 GD
Semester Total     15  
Year 3 - Fall
Track Course any level Select One 3  
Track Course any level Select One Writing-Intensive Track Course 3 WI
Electives     10  
Semester Total     16  
Year 3 - Spring
Track Course 3000-4999 Select One 3  
Track Course 3000-4999 Select One 3  
Electives     10  
Semester Total     16  
Year 4 - Fall
Track Course 3000-4999 Select One Writing-Intensive Track Course 3 WI
Electives     13  
Semester Total     16  
Year 4 - Spring
Track Course 4000-4999 Select One 3  
Electives     12-13  
Semester Total     15-16  
Total Hours for Communication Studies: 124 (minimum)
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