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  Academic Programs / Media & Communication

Strategic Communication

Cornelius Pratt, Ph.D., APR, Chair
Weiss Hall 215




The Department of Strategic Communication educates students in the theory and practice of public communication and leadership, with the primary emphasis on communication and social influence or advocacy.  The department offers a bachelor's degree in four concentrations that focus on a general sequence, as well as on persuasion and political culture, communication in organizations, and communication strategies. Their overarching goal is to influence internal and external audiences.

Summary of Requirements

The degree of Bachelor of Arts may be conferred upon a student majoring in Strategic Communication by the recommendation of the faculty and upon satisfactory completion of a minimum of 124 semester hours of credit with a cumulative average of 2.0 overall and in the major.  Students must meet: 

1. University requirements:

  • New students starting in the 2013-2014 academic year are required to complete the General Education (GenEd) curriculum.
  • All students must take a minimum of two writing-intensive courses. The specific writing-intensive courses required for this major are listed below and identified with the code "WI" in the Attribute column.

2. School of Media and Communication requirements
3. Major requirements in the department

  • No more than 12 Strategic Communication credits can be transferred to the major.

Department Requirements

All majors must complete at least 36 credit hours in Strategic Communication, including the department's four core courses (12 hours). Students must earn a "C" or better in the department's four core courses and in all other courses required for the major. Until students choose a concentration within Strategic Communication, they are deemed enrolled in the general sequence of Strategic Communication.


Strategic Communication Major Requirements
Department Core Requirements (12 s.h.)
Subject Course # Course Title Hours
Strategic Communication 1111 Public Speaking 3
Strategic Communication 1112 Communicating Leadership 3
Strategic Communication 2111 Introduction to Communication Theory 3
Strategic Communication 2112 Strategies & Tactics of Persuasion 3


Department Concentrations

The department offers the general sequence and three optional concentrations: Organizational Leadership, Public Relations, and Rhetoric and Public Advocacy.  In addition to completing the department core, students may select and fulfill the requirements of a concentration.  Students are also required to complete courses outside the school.

Strategic Communication General Sequence

Requirements for the general sequence in Strategic Communication include the following courses in addition to the Department Core requirements.


General Strategic Communication Degree (36 credits)  
Department Core Requirements (12 s.h.)  
General Sequence Requirements (24 s.h.)  
Subject Course # Course Title Hours Attribute
Strategic Communication 2000+ Writing Intensive course 3 WI
Strategic Communication 2000+ Three courses at 2000-level or above 9  
Strategic Communication 3000+ Advanced writing intensive course 3 WI
Strategic Communication 3000+ Three courses at 3000-level or above 9  
Total credits required for the general sequence (includes department core courses) 36  



Organizational Leadership Concentration

The concentration in Organizational Leadership provides students with a thorough grounding in organizational and small-group communication.  Students' coursework in these areas will incorporate a special focus on both the theories and skills needed for the creation and maintenance of fruitful leader-follower relationships.


Organizational Leadership Concentration (36 credits)  
Department Core Requirements (12 s.h.)  
Concentration Core Requirements (15 s.h.)  
Subject Course # Course Title Hours Attribute
Strategic Communication 2661 Introduction to Organizational Communication 3  
Strategic Communication 2662 Leading Groups and Team Building 3  
Strategic Communication 3663 Research Methods for Organizational Communication (Prereq: Strategic Communication 1112) 3  
Strategic Communication 4696 Diverse Communication and Leadership (capstone, prerequisite:  Strategic Communication 3663) 3 WI
Strategic Communication 4774 Communicating Organizational Change (Prereq: Strategic Communication 2661) 3  
Organizational Leadership Concentration Electives (9 s.h.)  
Subject Course # Course Title Hours Attribute
Select three courses from the following, 1 of which must be WI:    
Strategic Communication 2296 Rhetoric of Social Movements 3 WI
Strategic Communication 2496 News Writing and Media Relations 3 WI
Strategic Communication 2552 Introduction to Public Relations 3  
Strategic Communication 2672 Global Communication & Leadership 3  
Strategic Communication 3396 Rhetorical Criticism 3 WI
Strategic Communication 3670 Special Topics in Organizational Leadership 3  
Strategic Communication 3685 Internship in Organizational Leadership
(Prereq: see http://smc.temple.edu/strc/career-resources/internships1/)
Strategic Communication 3801 Intercultural Communication 3  
Strategic Communication 4670 Special Topics in Organizational Leadership 3  
Strategic Communication 4775 Health Communication 3  
Strategic Communication 4879 Collaborative Advocacy 3  
Ideas for electives outside the department:    
Subject Course # Course Title Hours Attribute
Adult & Organizational Development 1166 Interpersonal Communication Through the Life Span 3  
Adult & Organizational Development 2214 Conflict & Communication 3  
American Studies 1042 Work in America 3  
History 3811 World Economy Since 1945 3  
Human Resource Management 2501 Introduction to Human Resource Management 3  
Management Information Systems 2101 Information Systems in Organizations 3  
Philosophy 1001 Philosophical Challenges to the Individual 3  
Political Science 3155 Business & Public Policy 3  
Psychology 2402 Foundations of Industrial & Organizational Psychology 3  



Rhetoric and Public Advocacy Concentration

The Rhetoric and Public Advocacy Concentration provides students with theory and practice in social influence.  Students learn theories of advocacy in a variety of settings, gain experience in critical analysis of persuasive messages, and develop skills in creating strategic communications.


Rhetoric and Public Advocacy Concentration (36 credits)  
Department Core Requirements (12 s.h.)  
Concentration Core Requirements (18 s.h.)  
Subject Course # Course Title Hours Attribute
Strategic Communication 2221 Public Advocacy (Prereq: Strategic Communication 1111; Strategic Communication 2111 which may be taken prior to or concurrently) 3  
Strategic Communication 2296 Rhetoric of Social Movements 3 WI
Strategic Communication 3333 Rhetorical Theory
(Prereq: Strategic Communication 2221)
Strategic Communication 3336 Argumentation
(Prereq: Strategic Communication 2221)
Strategic Communication 3396 Rhetorical Criticism 3 WI
Strategic Communication 4839 Seminar in Rhetoric and Public Advocacy (capstone)
(Prereq: Strategic Communication 2221 & 2296)
Elective Courses in Rhetoric and Public Advocacy Concentrations (6 s.h.)  
Subject Course # Course Title Hours Attribute
Choose two courses from the following:    
Strategic Communication 3234 Speech Writing 3  
Strategic Communication 3236 Rhetoric and Identity
(Prereq: Strategic Communication 2221)
Strategic Communication 3323 Rhetoric and Political Culture 3  
Strategic Communication 2552 Introduction to Public Relations 3  
Strategic Communication 2661 Introduction to Organizational Communication 3  
Strategic Communication 2662 Leading Groups and Team Building 3  
Strategic Communication 2440 Special Topics in Public Relations 3  
Strategic Communication 3440 Special Topics in Public Relations 3  
Strategic Communication 3801 Intercultural Communication 3  
Strategic Communication 4440 Special Topics in Public Relations 3  
Special Topics, Independent Study, and Internships    
Subject Course # Course Title Hours Attribute
Strategic Communication 3220 Special Topics in Rhetoric and Public Advocacy
(Prereq: Strategic Communication 2221)
Strategic Communication 3282 Independent Study in Public Communication 1-4  
Strategic Communication 3382 Independent Study in Rhetoric & Public Advocacy (Prereq: Strategic Communication 2221) 1-3  
Strategic Communication 3385 Internship in Rhetoric and Public Advocacy (Prereq: see http://smc.temple.edu/strc/career-resources/internships1/) 3  
Strategic Communication 4220 Special Topics in Rhetoric & Public Advocacy (Prereq: Strategic Communication 2221) 3  
Ideas for electives outside the department:    
Subject Course # Course Title Hours Attribute
Adult & Organizational Development 2214 Conflict & Communication 3  
English 2012 Literature & Criticism 3  
English 3811 Theories of Language & Literacy 3  
Human Resource Management 3501 Power, Influence, & Negotiation 3  
Philosophy 1062 Morality & the Law 3  
Political Science 2103 U.S. Public Policy Making 3  
Political Science 3151 Public Policy Analysis 3  


Public Relations Concentration

Public Relations is about using communication techniques to influence behavior and attitudes. The concentration combines public relations classes with requirements in public speaking, leadership, persuasion, and communication theory, and is satisfied through completion of 36 semester hours in the major.


Public Relations Concentration (36 credits)  
Department Core Requirements (12 s.h.)  
Concentration Core Requirements (18 s.h.)  
Subject Course # Course Title Hours Attribute
Strategic Communication 2496*+ News Writing & Media Relations 3 WI
Strategic Communication 2551** Media Information Gathering & Evaluation 3  
Strategic Communication 2552 Introduction to Public Relations 3  
Strategic Communication 3543 Fundamentals of Public Relations Writing 3  
Strategic Communication 3596 Advanced Public Relations Writing 3 WI
Strategic Communication 4859*** Public Relations Management & Case Problems (capstone) 3  
*Required course for all PR concentration students. 
**Students in the PR concentration are strongly urged to take 2552 before taking 2551.
+May take Strategic Communication 2496 concurrently with either Strategic Communication 2551 and 2552 (but not both).
***Open only to PR concentration and General Sequence students.  Prerequisite: successful completion of Strategic Communication 2496, 2551, 2552, and 3543.


Required Courses in other Strategic Communication Concentrations: (6 s.h.)  
Subject Course # Course Title Hours Attribute
Select one course from the following:    
Strategic Communication 2661 Introduction to Organizational Communication 3  
Strategic Communication 2662 Leading Groups and Team Building 3  
Strategic Communication 2672 Global Communication & Leadership 3  
Strategic Communication 3801 Intercultural Communication 3  
Strategic Communication 4774 Communicating Organizational Change
(Prereq: Strategic Communication 2661)
Select one course from the following:    
Strategic Communication 3336 Argumentation (Prereq: Strategic Communication 2221) 3  
Strategic Communication 2296 Rhetoric of Social Movements 3 WI
Strategic Communication 3323 Rhetoric and Political Culture 3  
Strategic Communication 3333 Rhetorical Theory (Prereq: Strategic Communication 2221) 3  
Strategic Communication 3396 Rhetorical Criticism 3 WI
Special Topics, Independent Study, and Internships:    
Subject Course # Course Title Hours Attribute
Strategic Communication 2440 Special Topics in Public Relations 3  
Strategic Communication 3440 Special Topics in Public Relations 3  
Strategic Communication 4440 Special Topics in Public Relations 3  
Strategic Communication 3483 Directed Readings in Public Relations 3  
Strategic Communication 3582 Independent Study in Public Relations 1-3  
Strategic Communication 3585 Internship in Public Relations 1-3  
Ideas for electives outside the department:    
Subject Course # Course Title Hours Attribute
Journalism 3101 Journalism & the Law 3  
Marketing 2101 Marketing Management 3  
Political Science 1101 The American Political System 3  
Psychology 1061 Psychology as a Social Science 3 IN



Requirements for a Minor in Leadership

The Leadership Minor comprises six courses (18 s.h.) that provide students in other Temple University programs the opportunity to better prepare for life after graduation by acquiring the knowledge and skills required to communicate effectively and to lead at the organizational, team, and individual levels.

The goal of the Leadership Minor is to help students to understand that leadership is a communication and relational process, not a position. Viewed that way, leadership requires responsible, thoughtful reflection and action at all societal levels. That also requires competencies in being self-aware, in managing teams, in making ethical decisions, and leading with an intent to engender, positive change. 


Minor in Leadership Requirements  
Subject Course # Course Title Hours
Strategic Communication 1111 Public Speaking 3
Strategic Communication 1112 Communicating Leadership 3
Strategic Communication 2661 Introduction to Organizational Communication 3
Strategic Communication 2672
Global Communication and Leadership
Diverse Communication and Leadership
Strategic Communication 2662 Leading Groups and Team Building 3
Strategic Communication 4879
Collaborative Advocacy
Special Topics in Organizational Leadership
Total credits required for the minor in Leadership: 18



Requirements for a Minor in Public Relations


The Public Relations minor consists of seven courses (21 s.h.) that provide students in other programs at Temple University the opportunity to better prepare them for life after graduation by gaining the knowledge and skill sets required to communicate effectively and lead at the organizational, team, and individual levels.


The goal of the Public Relations minor is to help students to understand that public relations is a communication and relational process, not a position. Viewed this way, public relations requires responsible, thoughtful reflection and action from all levels of organizations, not just those in leadership positions. This approach requires competencies of self-awareness, oral and written communication skills, ethical decision-making and action, and the ability to understand audiences and generate mutual win-win scenarios using a variety of communication tools to generate a vision and lead with, through, and for others to bring about positive change.


This program will build both knowledge and skills for students to understand true public relations, e.g., "relating" to publics in a meaningful two-way dialogue built on mutual trust and respect, and be able to effectively formulate a position and influence and empower others. They will be able to use the knowledge gained from this program to bridge the divide between the theoretical and practical application in the business they work in and the communities they serve.


This minor will be available in spring 2014.


Minor in Public Relations Requirements  
Subject Course # Course Title Hours
Strategic Communication 1111 Public Speaking 3
Strategic Communication 1112 Communicating Leadership 3
Strategic Communication 2111 Introduction to Communication Theory 3
Strategic Communication 2112 Strategies & Tactics of Persuasion 3
Strategic Communication 2551 Media Information Gathering & Evaluation 3
Strategic Communication 2552 Introduction to Public Relations 3
Strategic Communication 3543 Fundamentals of Public Relations Writing 3
Total credits required for the minor in Public Relations: 21




Suggested Semester By Semester Plans

Please note that these are suggested academic plans. Depending on your situation, your academic plan may look different.


Bachelor of Arts in Strategic Communication (General Sequence)

Requirements for New Students starting in the 2013-2014 Academic Year


Year 1 - Fall
Subject Course # Course Title Hours Attribute
Strategic Communication 1112 Communicating Leadership 3  
English 0802, 0812 or 0902 Analytical Reading & Writing 4 GW
GenEd 08xx or 09xx Quantitative Literacy 4 GQ
GenEd 08xx or 09xx Human Behavior 3 GB
Communications & Theater 1001 Freshman Seminar 1  
Semester Total   15  
Year 1 - Spring
Strategic Communication 1111 Public Speaking 3  
Intellectual Heritage 0851 or 0951 Mosaic: Humanities Seminar I 3 GY
GenEd 08xx or 09xx Arts 3-4 GA
GenEd 08xx or 09xx Global/World Society 3 GG
GenEd 08xx or 09xx U.S. Society 3 GU
Semester Total   15-16  
Year 2 - Fall
Strategic Communication 2000+ One 2000+ Strategic Communication Course 3  
Strategic Communication 2000+ One 2000+ WI Strategic Communication Course 3 WI
Intellectual Heritage 0852 or 0952 Mosaic: Humanities Seminar II 3 GZ
GenEd 08xx or 09xx Science & Technology I 3 GS
GenEd 08xx or 09xx Race & Diversity 3 GD
Semester Total   15  
Year 2 - Spring
Strategic Communication 2111 Introduction to Communication Theory 3  
Strategic Communication 2000+ One 2000+ Strategic Communication Course 3  
GenEd 08xx or 09xx Science & Technology II 3 GS
Electives   Electives 6  
Semester Total   15  
Year 3 - Fall
Strategic Communication 2112 Strategies & Tactics of Persuasion 3  
Strategic Communication 2000+ One 2000+ Strategic Communication Course 3  
Electives   Electives 10  
Semester Total   16  
Year 3 - Spring
Strategic Communication 3000+ One 3000+ WI Strategic Communication Course 3 WI
Strategic Communication 3000+ One 3000+ Strategic Communication Course 3  
Electives   Electives 10  
Semester Total   16  
Year 4 - Fall
Strategic Communication 3000+ One 3000+ Strategic Communication Course 3  
Electives   Electives 13  
Semester Total   16  
Year 4 - Spring
Strategic Communication 3000+ One 3000+ Strategic Communication Course 3  
Electives   Electives 13  
Semester Total   16  
Total Hours for B.A. / General Sequence: 124 (minimum)


Bachelor of Arts in Strategic Communication (Organizational Leadership)

Requirements for New Students starting in the 2013-2014 Academic Year


Year 1 - Fall
Subject Course # Course Title Hours Attribute
Strategic Communication 1112 Communicating Leadership 3  
English 0802, 0812 or 0902 Analytical Reading & Writing 4 GW
GenEd 08xx or 09xx Quantitative Literacy 4 GQ
GenEd 08xx or 09xx Human Behavior 3 GB
Communications & Theater 1001 Freshman Seminar 1  
Semester Total   15  
Year 1 - Spring
Strategic Communication 1111 Public Speaking 3  
Intellectual Heritage 0851 or 0951 Mosaic: Humanities Seminar I 3 GY
GenEd 08xx or 09xx Arts 3-4 GA
GenEd 08xx or 09xx Global/World Society 3 GG
GenEd 08xx or 09xx U.S. Society 3 GU
Semester Total   15-16  
Year 2 - Fall
Strategic Communication 2661 Introduction to Organizational Communication 3  
Electives   Electives 3  
Intellectual Heritage 0852 or 0952 Mosaic: Humanities Seminar II 3 GZ
GenEd 08xx or 09xx Science & Technology I 3 GS
GenEd 08xx or 09xx Race & Diversity 3 GD
Semester Total   15  
Year 2 - Spring
Strategic Communication 2111 Introduction to Communication Theory 3  
Strategic Communication 2662 Leading Groups and Team Building 3  
GenEd 08xx or 09xx Science & Technology II 3 GS
Electives   Electives 6  
Semester Total   15  
Year 3 - Fall
Strategic Communication 2112 Strategies & Tactics of Persuasion 3  
Strategic Communication 3663 Research Methods for Organizational Communication 3  
Electives   Electives 10  
Semester Total   16  
Year 3 - Spring
Electives   Electives 10  
Select one of the following WI courses: 3  
Strategic Communication 2296 Rhetoric of Social Movements   WI
Strategic Communication 2496 News Writing and Media Relations   WI
Strategic Communication 3396 Rhetorical Criticism   WI
Select one of the following courses: 3  
Strategic Communication 2552 Introduction to Public Relations    
Strategic Communication 2672 Global Communication and Leadership    
Strategic Communication 3670 Special Topics in Organizational Leadership    
Strategic Communication 3685 Internship in Organizational Leadership    
Strategic Communication 3801 Intercultural Communication    
Strategic Communication 4670 Special Topics in Organizational Leadership    
Strategic Communication 4775 Health Communication    
Strategic Communication 4879 Collaborative Advocacy    
Semester Total   16  
Year 4 - Fall
Strategic Communication 4696 Diverse Communication and Leadership
(Prereq: Strategic Communication 3663)
3 WI
Electives   Electives 10  
Select one of the following courses: 3  
Strategic Communication 2296 Rhetoric of Social Movements   WI
Strategic Communication 2496 News Writing and Media Relations   WI
Strategic Communication 2552 Introduction to Public Relations    
Strategic Communication 2672 Global Communication and Leadership    
Strategic Communication 3396 Rhetorical Criticism   WI
Strategic Communication 3670 Special Topics in Organizational Leadership    
Strategic Communication 3685 Internship in Organizational Leadership    
Strategic Communication 3801 Intercultural Communication    
Strategic Communication 4670 Special Topics in Organizational Leadership    
Strategic Communication 4775 Health Communication    
Strategic Communication 4879 Collaborative Advocacy    
Semester Total   16  
Year 4 - Spring
Strategic Communication 4774 Communicating Organizational Change
(Prereq: Strategic Communication 2661)
Electives   Electives 13  
Semester Total   16  
Total Hours for B.A. / Organizational Leadership Concentration: 124 (minimum)


Bachelor of Arts in Strategic Communication (Rhetoric and Public Advocacy)

Requirements for New Students starting in the 2013-2014 Academic Year


Year 1 - Fall
Subject Course # Course Title Hours Attribute
Strategic Communication 1112 Communicating Leadership 3  
English 0802, 0812 or 0902 Analytical Reading & Writing 4 GW
GenEd 08xx or 09xx Quantitative Literacy 4 GQ
GenEd 08xx or 09xx Human Behavior 3 GB
Communications & Theater 1001 Freshman Seminar 1  
Semester Total   15  
Year 1 - Spring
Strategic Communication 1111 Public Speaking 3  
Intellectual Heritage 0851 or 0951 Mosaic: Humanities Seminar I 3 GY
GenEd 08xx or 09xx Arts 3-4 GA
GenEd 08xx or 09xx Global/World Society 3 GG
GenEd 08xx or 09xx U.S. Society 3 GU
Semester Total   15-16  
Year 2 - Fall
Strategic Communication 2111 Introduction to Communication Theory 3  
Strategic Communication 2221 Public Advocacy (Prereq: Strategic Communication 1111;
Strategic Communication 2111, which may be taken
prior to or concurrently)
Intellectual Heritage 0852 or 0952 Mosaic: Humanities Seminar II 3 GZ
GenEd 08xx or 09xx Science & Technology I 3 GS
GenEd 08xx or 09xx Race & Diversity 3 GD
Semester Total   15  
Year 2 - Spring
Strategic Communication 2296 Rhetoric of Social Movements 3 WI
GenEd 08xx or 09xx Science & Technology II 3 GS
Electives   Electives 6  
Select one of the following courses: 3  
Strategic Communication 2440 Special Topics in Public Relations    
Strategic Communication 2552 Introduction to Public Relations    
Strategic Communication 2661 Introduction to Organizational Communication    
Strategic Communication 2662 Leading Groups and Team Building    
Strategic Communication 3234 Speech Writing    
Strategic Communication 3236 Rhetoric and Identity (Prereq: Strategic Communication 2221)    
Strategic Communication 3323 Rhetoric and Political Culture    
Strategic Communication 3440 Special Topics in Public Relations    
Strategic Communication 3801 Intercultural Communication    
Strategic Communication 4440 Special Topics in Public Relations    
Semester Total   15  
Year 3 - Fall
Strategic Communication 2112 Strategies & Tactics of Persuasion 3  
Strategic Communication 3336 Argumentation (Prereq: Strategic Communication 2221) 3  
Electives   Electives 10  
Semester Total   16  
Year 3 - Spring
Strategic Communication 3396 Rhetorical Criticism 3 WI
Electives   Electives 10  
Select one of the following courses: 3  
Strategic Communication 2440 Special Topics in Public Relations    
Strategic Communication 2552 Introduction to Public Relations    
Strategic Communication 2661 Introduction to Organizational Communication    
Strategic Communication 2662 Leading Groups and Team Building    
Strategic Communication 3234 Speech Writing    
Strategic Communication 3236 Rhetoric and Identity (Prereq: Strategic Communication 2221)    
Strategic Communication 3323 Rhetoric and Political Culture    
Strategic Communication 3440 Special Topics in Public Relations    
Strategic Communication 3801 Intercultural Communication    
Strategic Communication 4440 Special Topics in Public Relations    
Semester Total   16  
Year 4 - Fall
Strategic Communication 3333 Rhetorical Theory (Fall Only) 3  
Electives   Electives 13  
Semester Total   16  
Year 4 - Spring
Strategic Communication 4839 Seminar in Rhetoric and Public Advocacy (capstone)
(Prereq:  Strategic Communication 2221 & 2296)
Electives   Electives 13  
Semester Total   16  
Total Hours for B.A. / Rhetoric and Public Advocacy Concentration: 124 (minimum)


Bachelor of Arts in Strategic Communication (Public Relations)

Requirements for New Students starting in the 2013-2014 Academic Year


Year 1 - Fall
Subject Course # Course Title Hours Attribute
Strategic Communication 1112 Communicating Leadership 3  
English 0802, 0812 or 0902 Analytical Reading & Writing 4 GW
GenEd 08xx or 09xx Quantitative Literacy 4 GQ
GenEd 08xx or 09xx Human Behavior 3 GB
Communications & Theater 1001 Freshman Seminar 1  
Semester Total   15  
Year 1 - Spring
Strategic Communication 1111 Public Speaking 3  
Intellectual Heritage 0851 or 0951 Mosaic: Humanities Seminar I 3 GY
GenEd 08xx or 09xx Arts 3-4 GA
GenEd 08xx or 09xx Global/World Society 3 GG
GenEd 08xx or 09xx U.S. Society 3 GU
Semester Total   15-16  
Year 2 - Fall
Strategic Communication 2496 News Writing & Media Relations 3 WI
Strategic Communication 2552 Introduction to Public Relations 3  
Intellectual Heritage 0852 or 0952 Mosaic: Humanities Seminar II 3 GZ
GenEd 08xx or 09xx Science & Technology I 3 GS
GenEd 08xx or 09xx Race & Diversity 3 GD
Semester Total   15  
Year 2 - Spring
Strategic Communication 2111 Introduction to Communication Theory 3  
Strategic Communication 2551 Media Information Gathering & Evaluation 3  
GenEd 08xx or 09xx Science & Technology II 3 GS
Electives   Electives 6  
Semester Total   15  
Year 3 - Fall
Strategic Communication 2112 Strategies & Tactics of Persuasion 3  
Strategic Communication 3543 Fundamentals of Public Relations Writing 3  
Electives   Electives 10  
Semester Total   16  
Year 3 - Spring
Strategic Communication 3596 Advanced Public Relations Writing 3 WI
Electives   Electives 10  
Select one of the following courses: 3  
Strategic Communication 2661 Introduction to Organizational Communication    
Strategic Communication 2662 Leading Groups and Team Building    
Strategic Communication 2672 Global Communication & Leadership    
Strategic Communication 3801 Intercultural Communication    
Strategic Communication 4774 Communicating Organizational Change
(Prereq: Strategic Communication 2661)
Semester Total   16  
Year 4 - Fall
Strategic Communication 4859 Public Relations Management & Case Problems 3  
Electives   Electives 10  
Select one of the following courses: 3  
Strategic Communication 2296 Rhetoric of Social Movements   WI
Strategic Communication 3336 Argumentation (Prereq: Strategic Communication 2221)    
Strategic Communication 3323 Rhetoric and Political Culture    
Strategic Communication 3333 Rhetorical Theory (Prereq: Strategic Communication 2221)    
Strategic Communication 3396 Rhetorical Criticism   WI
Semester Total   16  
Year 4 - Spring
Electives   Electives 16  
Semester Total   16  
Total Hours for B.A. / Public Relations Concentration: 124 (minimum)


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