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Business & Management

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All Business Minors & Certificates
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Business Management
Human Resource Management
Certificate in Leadership
International Business Administration
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Management Information Systems
Real Estate
Risk Management Insurance
Employee Benefits
Healthcare Risk Management
Property Liability Corporate Risk Management
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  Academic Programs / Business & Management


Arvind Parkhe, Chair



Robert McNamee, Academic Director

Innovation and Entrepreneurship Institute (IEI)



Entrepreneurs are creative problem-solvers that are driven to have a big impact on the world. Many of Temple University's Entrepreneurship students start new businesses during or after college, but many more go on to work in exciting jobs with companies that realize the importance of innovation and the value of students that can think outside the box, recognize opportunities, and get the job done.

For students interested in Entrepreneurship, we offer several options ranging from our major, minor, and certificate (see below) to a Living Learning Community (Innovate and Create), a General Education course, Strategic Management 0827 (Creativity and Organizational Innovation), and numerous free workshops and competitions that are open to students from across Temple University. Please check Innovation & Entrepreneurship Institute’s web site for details on all our programs.

Temple's Entrepreneurship programs are consistently ranked among the top in the nation (2012 Princeton Review: #8 undergraduate; #13 graduate). Through these programs you will learn how to be more creative, to recognize and generate innovations in all their forms, to understand the ecosystems and value chains of industries in order to identify opportunities for new businesses or products, and you will be given the knowledge and tools necessary to launch and manage your own business or successfully propose new business ideas and change initiatives in any companies you work for or with.

The Entrepreneurship major is a good choice for students who:

  • Would like to start a new business
  • Want to have a positive social impact with a social venture
  • Anticipate doing consulting or doing freelance work
  • Plan to assume responsibilities in a family business
  • Want to be a creative and productive member of an innovative, high-growth business

The program is designed with a balance of theory and practice and our courses are taught by world-leading researchers, successful serial entrepreneurs, experienced venture capital executives, and senior innovation managers. Course work is closely tied to the applied programs of the Innovation & Entrepreneurship Institute (IEI) like the Be Your Own Boss Bowl (BYOBB) and other competitions (e.g., our capstone course focuses on coaching students on finalizing an idea for a new business and writing a business plan that can be submitted to the BYOBB for a chance to win over $100k in prizes).

We want our Entrepreneurship majors to have experience when they graduate. Thus, our program includes a required internship course, and we expect all Entrepreneurship majors be active members in the Entrepreneurial Student Association (ESA) where they can work on a variety of interesting projects with local companies and the community.  More information on our internship program can be found here (including internships available to all Temple students) and information regarding the ESA (including how to join and meeting times) can be found here.


Summary of Requirements

University Requirements 

All new students starting in the 2013-2014 academic year and beyond are required to complete the university's General Education (GenEd) curriculum.

Note that students not continuously enrolled who have not been approved for a Leave of Absence or study elsewhere must follow University requirements current at the time of re-enrollment.

College Requirements

Students must meet College Graduation Requirements, including the requirements of the major listed below. Students must attain an overall GPA of 2.0 or higher in the major and must maintain a 2.0 GPA overall in order to graduate as an entrepreneurship major. Students pursuing the entrepreneurship major are expected to participate in the Entrepreneurial Student Association. Use the major GPA calculator at www.fox.temple.edu/cms_academics/dept/advising/ to calculate the GPA in the major.

Major Requirements for new students

Students must follow the Major Requirements and College Requirements current at the time of declaration. Students not continuously enrolled who have not been approved for a Leave of Absence or study elsewhere must follow University, College, and Major requirements current at the time of re-enrollment.

Suggested Sequence for new students

Requirements of Entrepreneurship Major


Subject Course # Course Title Hours Attribute
Accounting 2521* Cost Accounting 3  
Strategic Management 3501 Entrepreneurial & Innovative Thinking 3  
Strategic Management 3503 Managing New & Small Enterprises 3  
Strategic Management 3685** Internship in Entrepreneurship 3  
Strategic Management 4596*** Senior Entrepreneurship Seminar 3 WI
Choose one:     3  
Marketing 3505 Entrepreneurial Marketing    
Marketing 3511 Marketing Research    
Choose one:     3  
Strategic Management 3511 Seminar on Social Entrepreneurship    
Strategic Management 3521 Financing New Enterprises    
Strategic Management 3580^ Special Topics in Strategic Management    
Strategic Management 3582^^ Independent Study    
Strategic Management 3682^^ Independent Study    
International Business Administration 3596 Global Strategic Management   WI
Human Resource Management 3501 Power, Influence & Negotiation    
Management Information Systems 3536 Information Systems Innovation    
Management Information Systems 3538 Social Media Innovation    
Subtotal     21  
* Accounting 2521 (Cost Accounting) replaces Accounting 2102 (Managerial Accounting) in the lower division foundation
requirements for Entrepreneurship majors. This course is not calculated in the major GPA. Entrepreneurship majors are
not required to take Accounting 2102. Those who have already completed Accounting 2102 will need to take Accounting 2521.
** This course should be taken prior to the final semester.
*** This major capstone is taken in the final semester, and all prerequisites must be met.
^Approval of the Academic Director of the IEI or department chair required. Short-term Study Abroad is approved to fulfill
this requirement. Entrepreneurship students who wish to enroll in this course should be aware that this is a competitive program,
and if accepted, requires a research project that is Entrepreneurship related (study.abroad@temple.edu)
^^Independent Study projects will be identified or created by the IEI. Approval of the Academic Director of the IEI or department
chair required.
1. Students pursuing a double major in business can double-count a maximum of one course toward both majors.
2. Students pursuing a minor may not double count courses for the major and minor.


Suggested Sequence of the Entrepreneurship Major

Please note that this sequence is suggested only, ensuring prerequisites are met. Students' academic sequences may differ based on individual academic plans.


Semester I
Subject Course # Course Title Hours Attribute
Statistics 1001 Pre-Calculus for Business 3  
Economics 1101 Macroeconomic Principles 3  
Human Resource Management 1101 Leadership & Organizational Management 3  
English 0802, 0812 or 0902 Analytical Reading & Writing 4 GW
GenEd 08xx or 09xx GenEd Breadth Course 3  
Subtotal     16  
Semester II
Subject Course # Course Title Hours Attribute
Statistics 1102 Calculus for Business 3  
Economics 1102 Microeconomic Principles 3  
Legal Studies 1101 Legal Environment of Business 3  
Intellectual Heritage 0851 or 0951 Mosaic: Humanities Seminar I 3 GY
GenEd 08xx or 09xx GenEd Breadth Course 3  
Subtotal     15  
Semester III
Subject Course # Course Title Hours Attribute
Statistics 2103 Business Statistics
{waives GenEd GQ requirement}
Accounting 2101 Financial Accounting 3  
Management Information Systems 2101 Information Systems in Organizations 3  
Intellectual Heritage 0852 or 0952 Mosaic: Humanities Seminar II 3 GZ
GenEd 08xx or 09xx GenEd Breadth Course 3  
Subtotal     16  
Semester IV
Subject Course # Course Title Hours Attribute
Accounting 2521 Cost Accounting 3  
Marketing 2101 Marketing Management 3  
Business Administration 2101 Professional Development Strategies 1  
Business Administration 2196 Business Communications 3 WI
Risk Management & Insurance 2101 Introduction to Risk Management 3  
GenEd 08xx or 09xx GenEd Breadth Course 3  
Subtotal     16  
Semester V
Subject Course # Course Title Hours Attribute
Finance 3101 Financial Management 3  
Management Science/Operations Management 3101 Operations Management 3  
Business Administration 3102 Business Society & Ethics 3  
International Business Administration 3101 Fundamentals of International Business 3  
Strategic Management 3501 Entrepreneurial & Innovative Thinking 3  
Subtotal     15  
Semester VI
Subject Course # Course Title Hours Attribute
Business Administration 3103 Integrative Business Applications 3  
Strategic Management 3503 Managing New & Small Enterprises 3  
Marketing 3505
Entrepreneurial Marketing
Marketing Research
Strategic Management
International Business Administration
Human Resource Management
Management Information Systems
Select one 3  
GenEd 08xx or 09xx GenEd Breadth Course 3  
Subtotal     15  
Semester VII
Subject Course # Course Title Hours Attribute
Business Administration 4101 Global Business Policies 3  
Strategic Management 3685 Internship in Entrepreneurship 3  
GenEd 08xx or 09xx GenEd Breadth Course 3  
GenEd 08xx or 09xx GenEd Breadth Course 3  
Free Elective     3  
Subtotal     15  
Semester VIII
Subject Course # Course Title Hours Attribute
Strategic Management 4596 Senior Entrepreneurship Seminar 3 WI
Free Elective     4  
Free Elective     3  
Free Elective     3  
Free Elective     3  
Subtotal     16  
Total credits for the B.B.A. in Entrepreneurship: 124  


Accelerated 3 Year BBA

Motivated students can accelerate their BBA program to finish in 3 years. Please see the suggested sequence.



Entrepreneurship Minor

Students in any college who wish to understand how to innovate, pursue opportunities, and turn their ideas into reality by creating and managing a successful entrepreneurial or innovative business or social venture can pursue a minor in entrepreneurship.

Requirements for the minor must be completed prior to graduation. Courses cannot be used to meet minor requirements if already used to meet the requirements for a major or a different minor.


Information Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship Minor

The Fox School Information Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship (ITIE) minor integrates two of the most important elements of the Fox School: the enabling role of IT and the drive of entrepreneurial thinking. It is offered as a joint venture between the departments of Strategic Management and Management Information Systems.

Who Should Minor In ITIE?

The minor is appropriate for all Fox School majors but particularly relevant for students in marketing, finance, human resources, and MIS who are interested in applying IT in an entrepreneurial manner. Students who minor in ITIE will be well suited to work for corporations who want to drive new IT enabled innovative projects and for technology enabled start-ups.

Requirements for the minor must be completed prior to graduation. Courses cannot be used to meet minor requirements if already used to meet the requirements for a major or a different minor. For more information about this minor, please visit: http://community.mis.temple.edu/programs/minor-in-itie/.



Requirements for the Certificate in Entrepreneurship (Non-Business Majors)

The nine-credit, three course undergraduate Certificate in Entrepreneurship is designed to provide coursework to support alternative, entrepreneurial career paths for students across the university; to promote the entrepreneurial spirit by fostering opportunity recognition and resource acquisition that leads to innovation and invention; and to increase awareness of, and participation in, entrepreneurial opportunities available to all Temple students. This certificate will be jointly issued by the Fox School of Business and Management and its partner schools, and will appear on the student's transcript.

The requirements for this certificate must be completed prior to graduation. Courses cannot be used to meet minor requirements if already used to meet the requirements for a major or a different minor or certificate.

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