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Social Administration

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ProgramS Of Study

Bachelor of Social Work (BSW)
Program for Transfer Students
Certificate Program, Child and Family Services
Certificate Program, Gerontology
Certificate Program, Women's Studies

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  Academic Programs / Social Administration

School of Social Administration

General Information

Founded 1969
Larry Icard, Dean
553 Ritter Hall Annex
1601 W. Cecil B. Moore Avenue
(215) 204-8623

Special Programs and Professional Certifications
Honors/Honor Society
Student Groups
Special Facilities


The School was established in 1969 to prepare individuals for professional practice and for positions of leadership in social work and in the broader human services arena. The distinctive mission of the School, rooted in humanistic and democratic values, is reflected in a broad and vigorous commitment to the elimination of human suffering and social injustice and to the promotion of human rights and social equality. Its educational programs are therefore centered on intervention strategies on behalf of those populations and persons who are underserved, victimized, or denied full access to social opportunities and resources. Poverty, racism, sexism, and other forms of discrimination and disenfranchisement are priority concerns of the School, as are those social problems associated with life in the inner city.

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The Bachelor of Social Work and the Master of Social Work programs are accredited by the Council on Social Work Education. This attests to the educational quality of the curricula and to the qualifications of graduates to assume professional positions that legally require applicants to have these degrees.

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Special Programs and Professional Certifications

Academic Credit for Relevant Social Service Work and Educational Experience
The School of Social Administration attracts students who are now or have been employed in responsible positions in the field of social welfare. In addition to performance skills, these students have also gained practical as well as theoretical understanding of various aspects of social work. Students are encouraged to apply for work experience credit immediately after completing 30 semester hours at Temple University. Application forms are available from Rosemary Barbera, the acting B.S.W. Chair, Ritter Annex Room 524, or the B.S.W. Admissions and Advising Coordinator, Ritter Annex, (215-204-7611 or 215-204-3142). Approved credit is recorded on the student's transcript upon payment of the required fees set by the University. Such credits may not be used as substitutes for University Core Curriculum, B.S.W. courses, or field requirements. They count only as elective credits.

Extern Program

The Extern Program is another way to acquire experience in a social service setting or in some other job field to aid the student in the process of career decision. This program is usually offered in January during the two week period before classes begin. Students work at the extern site four days each week and participate in a career development seminar at Temple on the fifth day. This program is jointly sponsored by University Career Services and the Schools of Temple. Interested students may discuss this with Sharon Webster, RA 549.

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Honors/Honor Society

Dean’s List - Academic achievement is recognized and valued by the School and the University. In this regard, the School follows the grade point average recognized by the University. Dean's List is achieved each semester that a full-time student (12-17 semester hours) earns both a 3.50 semester average and a 3.50 cumulative average. Notation appears on student transcript.

Alpha Delta Mu National Social Work Honor Society - Students with a cumulative average of 3.50 or above may apply for nomination to Alpha Delta Mu. Juniors and seniors are eligible for membership. Students should discuss this with their advisers.

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Student Groups

As a student at Temple University's School of Social Administration, you will become a part of a strong community. Our major strength is our diversity. Our undergraduate program provides classes that are living laboratories of what social work practice is about. You will have the opportunity to be in class with students who are different from you, and who represent every possible point of view. You will find a new home.

These student groups are available to you:

Student Collective: The Collective is the umbrella group for the entire student body. All Graduate (MSW) and undergraduate (BSW) students are members. The Collective is required to name the student representatives to all Faculty/Staff committees—including the EPPC (Educational Policy and Procedures Committee), Faculty Committee, etc.

International Students Association: This is a student run organization for international students or any student who is interested in an international perspective.

PRIDE: This group is for students, faculty, and staff who are interested in gay, lesbian, bisexual, and/or transgendered issues.

Student Association of Black Social Workers (SABSW): This is a group that supports African American social work students and professionals.

Temple Action Network (TAN): This is a student political action group, organized to promote social action among Temple SSA students. TAN was developed based on the idea that if each student could give just a little time (such as 30 minutes per month), then we could support any cause that any student might support. The group would promote any movement for increased social and economic justice.

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Special Facilities

Job Resources Bank

In addition to the help provided by the Office of Career Services, the School of Social Administration maintains its own Job Resources Bank geared specifically to the needs and career interests of social workers. Information about employment opportunities and current job openings is regularly collected, updated, and posted in the School. The School's liaison in Career Services meets frequently with students to provide career information as well as specific leads on employment. The Office of Career Services plans and conducts special workshops and seminars specifically oriented to students in Social Administration.

School of Social Administration Library

Located on the first floor of Ritter Annex in the Zahn Instructional Materials Center is the University's major collection of books and journals related specifically to the field of social work. Students have easy access here to materials placed on reserve by the School. There are also duplication facilities and a comfortable work, study, and reading environment.

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