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Social Administration

General Information
Academic Advising
Academic Policies & Regulations
College Graduation Requirements
Student Contact Information

ProgramS Of Study

Bachelor of Social Work (BSW)
Program for Transfer Students
Certificate Program, Child and Family Services
Certificate Program, Gerontology
Certificate Program, Women's Studies

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  Academic Programs / Social Administration

Policies And Regulations

Please see the Undergraduate Academic Policies. Students are responsible for complying with all University-wide academic policies that apply to their individual academic status. Additional and unique policies, or exceptions for the School of Social Administration, appear below.

Continuing in the Social Work Major

Continuation as a Social Work major is contingent upon successful completion of the course and field requirements of SW 0051 and 0052, Helping Processes I and II, the recommendation of the class and field instructors, and satisfactory academic performance. Students make application to the major at the end of SW 0051. Formal acceptance into the major is one of the requirements for the Bachelor of Social Work degree. It is expected that students will meet regularly with their advisers so that the course selection process affords the student appropriate choices and options.

Courses Inapplicable to the Degree

Credits for ELECT, Mathematics 0015 (formerly Math 0001), Composition 0040, SRAP, and Military Science do not count toward graduation requirements.

Program Performance

(Note: The University is reviewing all school and college, major, and GPA requirements above 2.0.  Please refer to the electronic Bulletin for up-to-date information.)

Social work majors are expected to maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.25 or above. The GPA for each semester must also be at the level of 2.25 or above.
Students are expected to maintain grades of C or above in each of the professional and professionally related courses. Students who earn a C- or below in a professional course must repeat the course.

Collegial Warning will be issued to students whose GPA falls below 2.25 for one semester. Students should not register for more than 12 s.h. until they improve their average.

Collegial Probation: Students who fall below a 2.25 either for the semester or for their cumulative average will be placed on probation. They may register for no more than 12 s.h. for the next term in order to improve their average. If theiraverage is still below a 2.25 after two semesters of academic probation, students are subject to being dropped from the Social Work Program in School of Social Administration.

Dropped from the Program: If the student does not achieve a cumulative average of 2.25 or show evidence of substantive scholastic improvement after two semesters on collegial probation and a 12 s.h. roster,  the student is subject to being dropped from the School.

Readmission Application

To reenter the School of Social Administration, students must submit an appropriate application to the Admissions Coordinator. Students seeking readmission after an absence of more than two semesters, not including summers, shall be subject to review by the B.S.W. chair. If the student is accepted for readmission, his or her program for completion of degree requirements shall be planned in accordance with those currently operative in the program. If courses were taken elsewhere, applicants are responsible for having official transcripts available when submitting the for readmission application.

Applicants who wish to enroll in a school or college other than the one in which they were last enrolled must first be accepted for readmission by the original college and then file an Intra-University Transfer form.

A student who has been dropped from the School may petition for readmission only after a period of at least one semester. This period does not include the summer sessions.

Transfer from Schools Within the University.

Students who are in good standing in the University may transfer to the School of Social Administration at any point during their academic career. Before transferring , students are encouraged to arrange to have conferences with both the original school adviser and the social work admissions coordinator.

Because of the professional requirements and the sequential nature of the curriculum, students are encouraged to enter the programs as early as possible. Students are expected to be majors in the program for a minimum of two years.

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