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Social Administration

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ProgramS Of Study

Bachelor of Social Work (BSW)
Program for Transfer Students
Certificate Program, Child and Family Services
Certificate Program, Gerontology
Certificate Program, Women's Studies

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  Academic Programs / Social Administration

Bachelor Of Social Work (B.S.W.)

Lois Millner, Ph.D., Department Chair
Office Location: 529 Ritter Hall Annex
Telephone: 215-204-6040
Email Address:

Goals and Objectives

The primary goal of the Baccalaureate in Social Work (B.S.W.) program is to prepare entry-level, generalist, social work practitioners committed to social and economic justice for vulnerable and oppressed populations. Graduates will understand the effects of structural inequities based on race, class, gender, sexual orientation, and other forms of oppression that present barriers to individual and collective growth and to the development of full potential. Graduates of this program will assess and interact with people using a strengths perspective and will assume varied social work roles that increase clients' access to resources and power.

Social workers are at the forefront of understanding and supporting mechanisms so that every human being is able to maximize his or her unique strengths in functioning in our global society. We emphasize the importance of viewing the person in the environment, so that we celebrate diversity and begin our work from a strengths perspective that facilitates client empowerment. B.S.W. social workers are educated with skills for working at every level of practice, including micro (individuals, families, and groups), mid-level, (organizations) and macro (policy planning and program development). You will learn the theories, values, and skills to work in many types of social work settings. B.S.W. social workers are found in a wide variety of settings. Graduates of the School of Social Administration work in the fields of children and youth, health, mental health, criminal justice, community organizing, drugs and alcohol, gerontology, etc., as counselors, consultants, case managers, organizers, planners, activists, policy makers, and administrators. Their roles involve: linking clients with resources; counseling individuals or families or groups; facilitating organizational changes that support client needs; leading community development efforts; initiating social policy shifts; as well as many others.

The School of Social Administration offers certificates in the following areas: Child and Family, Gerontology, Women's Studies—or you can create your own portfolio that uses your elective courses and field placements to target your personal goals.

1. The total number of credit hours at graduation may be greater for some students based on initial placement exams, transfer evaluations, individual curricular choices, and academic progress.
2. Certain courses fulfill multiple requirements. In consultation with your academic advisor, you will be able to plan your curriculum more effectively.
3. Students must fulfill the necessary prerequisites for any given course or course sequence. See the Prerequisite and Co-requisite policy in University-wide Academic Policies in this Bulletin.

Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Social Work (B.S.W.)

-Satisfactory completion of a minimum of 124 semester hours of credit.

-A minimum cumulative GPA of 2.25 overall and in the major.

-A grade of C- or higher is required in all Core courses. Agrade of "C" or better is required in courses for the major.

(Note: The University is reviewing all school and college, major, and GPA requirements above 2.0.  Please refer to the electronic Bulletin for up-to-date information.)

University Requirement
University Core Curriculum requirements (18 s.h..), Math 0055, English C050, Intellectual Heritage X051 and X052, Arts, Foreign language or International Studies.

1.      Completion of the Library Orientation.

2.      Major requirements.

3.      Lower level courses (34 s.h.), Specified Core courses, plus: Economics CO51, History or African American Studies 0068, Anthropology CO61, Human Biology 71, Science II, Political Science CO51, Psychology CO60, Sociology CO50, Statistics 0067.

4.      Upper level courses Political Science (100+), Socio-Behavioral (100+). At least one course should be writing intensive.

5.      Courses in Social Work (59 s.h.).

6.      Electives (approximately 13 s.h.).

7.      Field Work Practice: Learning by Doing. A minimum of 544 hours in supervised field settings is required. Students are directly involved in actual professional tasks in the agency and in the community. This intrinsic part of the professional educational process provides experiential learning for the students in a variety of carefully selected health, welfare, and educational settings.

Supervision or field instruction is provided by qualified, trained, and experienced practitioners in the agencies. Some of the fields of practice in the five-county area in which majors do their field work are:

-Aging: including adult service centers; assistance in a variety of public and private organizations, treatment and protective functions;

-Children and Youth: child abuse, foster care and adoption agencies, parenting and support services;

-Community Organization/Planning: public issues and policies, neighborhood services at settlements, Y's, community centers;

-Correctional/Justice: probation, parole, prison, community rehabilitation organizations;

-Developmental Disabilities: community living arrangements, day programs, other public and private functions;

-Education: schools and alternative education programs;

-Family Services: material aid, crisis intervention, ongoing counseling;

-Health/Hospitals: advising, counseling, direct service with and on behalf of patients; a variety of functions in hospitals and community health centers;

-Legal: public agencies assisting low income population in matters relating to law, housing, discrimination, etc.;

-Mental Health: small and large institutions, community based units, public and private auspices;

-Substance Abuse: counseling, direct service in a variety of settings, both public and private;

-Violence and Domestic Issues: domestic violence of all kinds, sexual assault, child abuse, in a wide variety of settings.


Transfer Students with 45 Credits or More or Core-To-Core Transfer

Students who transfer 64 credits may be eligible to complete the B.S.W. degree requirements in two years of full time study and two summer sessions. This depends on the number of credits that Temple accepts and what requirements they match in Temple’s curriculum. All core curriculum and B.S.W. degree requirements must be met.

Major requirements

Lower level courses: Specified Core courses, plus: Economics CO51, History or African American Studies C068, Anthropology C061, Human Biology C071, Political Science CO51, Psychology CO60, Sociology CO50, Statistics C067,
Upper level courses: Political Science (100+), Socio-Behavioral (100+). Students should refer to the BSW Handbook for suggested courses.
Courses in Social Work (59 s.h.)

Certificate Programs

Certificate in Child and Family Services

In response to the need for social workers with training in child and family services, the School offers a specialized certificate program in these fields which may be completed concurrently with the Bachelor of Social Work program. The certificate requires a field placement in an agency providing services to children and families and completion of the following four courses:

Certificate in Gerontology

Certificate in Women's Studies

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