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CORE CURRICULUM introduction

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Studies In Race
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  Academic Programs / University Core

Studies in Race

Different views of what "race" is and has been, the importance of personal and social racial identities, the impact of racism on individuals and institutions across cultures, historically, and in the United States today--all of these are studied in courses in the Studies in Race area of the Core. The knowledge and the communication skills gained in these courses help students better understand a critical aspect of their society and their own experience. Such understanding is essential for living and working in our racially-diverse world.

The course number and Required Course Indicator (RCI) of Studies in Race courses are important indicators of Core credit. Unlike the courses in other Core areas, but like Writing-Intensive courses, Studies in Race courses may fulfill a requirement for another Core area at the same time that they meet the Studies in Race requirement. Some even meet the Studies in Race requirement, another Core requirement, and the requirement for Writing-Intensive courses.

See Core Course Numbering at the beginning of the Core Curriculum section for a list of the Core codes for these courses. If the RCI is "RS," then the course carries Studies in Race credit. If the RCI indicates another Core area (such as "IN" for Individual and Society), then the course carries both the Studies in Race credit and the credit for that other Core area. If the RCI is "RC," the course meets both the Studies in Race and the Core Composition requirements. If it is "WR," the course is both Studies in Race and Writing-Intensive. If the RCI begins with an "X," the course carries credit for Studies in Race and another Core area and is Writing-Intensive. 

Note that Studies in Race courses may also have non-Studies in Race versions with the same number but without an "R," that do not meet the Studies in Race requirement (for example, English R170 is a Studies in Race course, but English 0170 is not).

Requirement: One 3-credit course from this list.

The Studies in Race requirement applies to Temple undergraduates who matriculated as freshmen in fall 1993 (having completed fewer than 15 semester hours before then) and after and to transfer students matriculating as Temple undergraduates in fall 1994 and after, who are not classified as Core-to-Core.

Note: Core courses no longer offered by departments have been removed from this list, but students who took them will receive Core credit, as indicated in their DARS document. Questions about Core courses can be answered by the Office of the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Studies.

Course # Course Name Credits
African American Studies    
R348 (RS) Dimensions of Racism 3
American Studies    
R112 (RS) African American Experiences 3
H134 (RS) Honors Literature of American Slavery 3
R134 (RS) Literature of American Slavery 3
R136 (RS) Asian American Experiences  3
R060 (IN) Introduction to Anthropology: A Four-Field Integrated Approach to Race and Racism 3
H090 (IN) Honors Introduction to Anthropology 3
Asian Studies    
R190 (RS) Asian American Experiences (formerly Asian American History) 3
Communication Sciences    
R110 (RS) Language and Race 3
Criminal Justice    
R335 (RS) Urban Minorities and the Criminal Justice System  3
R280 (RS) Dance, Movement, and Pluralism  3
R065 (RS) The Economics of Diversity  3
R065 (WR) Race and Racism in U.S. Education (taught only in Japan ) 3
R050 (RC) College Composition (Studies in Race version) 3
H090 (RC) Honors College Composition (Studies in Race version) 3
R110 (RS) Language and Race 3
R125 (RS) African-American Literature I 3
R126 (RS) African-American Literature II 3
R170 (RS) The Art of the Film 3
R283 (RS) Blacks/Literature/Drama/Media  3
Geography and Urban Studies    
R055 (IN) Urban Society: Race, Class, and Community 3
Greek and Roman Classics    
R112 (IS) Race: Ancient and Modern 3
R108 (RS) Anti-Semitism/Holocaust/Racism 3
R109 (RS) Imperialism, Race, and Empire 3
R120 (RS) Latino Caribbean World 3
R160 (RS) Race and Ethnicity in American History (formerly R101) 3
R161 (RS) African American History to 1865 (formerly R233) 3
R162 (RS) African American History 1865 to Present (formerly R234) 3
R163 (RS) Asian American History (formerly R237) 3
R164 (RS) California Dreams, California Nightmares 3
R267 (RS) Race and the U.S. Constitution (formerly R246) 3
Jewish Studies    
R234 Anti-Semitism/Holocaust/Racism 3
Kinesiology (was Physical Education)    
R336 (RS) Racism and College Athletics 3
R337 (RS) Minorities in Sport 3
Legal Studies (was Law and Business)    
R050 (AC) Racial Discrimination Under the Law  3
R298 (RS) Cultural Diversity in Health Care 3
R125 (RS) Philosophy of African American Experiences 3
Political Science    
R050 (IN) The Individual, Race, and American Political Life 3
R135 (RS) Urban Politics and Problems 3
W135 (WR) Urban Politics and Problems 3
R055 (RS) Racial Justice: A Religious Mandate for Obedience and Revolt 3
H095 (RS) Honors Racial Justice: A Religion’s Mandate for Obedience and Revolt 3
Social Work    
R365 (RS) Institutional Racism  3
C059/R059 (IN) The Sociology of Race and Racism 3
X059/H099 (XN) The Sociology of Race and Racism 3
C064/R064 (AC) American Ethnicity 3
X064 (XC) American Ethnicity 3
R179 (RS) Racial and Ethnic Stratification (formerly R279) 3
Strategic and Organizational Communication    
R150 (XC) Campaigns and Movements in America 3
H150 (XC) Honors Campaigns and Movements in America 3
R188 (XC) Art, Race, and the American Experience 3
Women’s Studies    
R152 (WR) The Politics of Diversity 3
H195 (WR) Honors The Politics of Diversity 3

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