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CORE CURRICULUM introduction

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Writing-Intensive Courses

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List of Writing-Intensive Courses

Below is a comprehensive list of approved writing-intensive courses. Most of the course numbers on this list begin with W; however, a few do not, as follows:

  • Course numbers on this list that begin with H indicate writing-intensive courses that are part of the Honors Program.
  • Course numbers on this list that begin with R indicate writing-intensive courses that also fulfill the Studies in Race requirement.
  • Course numbers on this list that begin with X indicate writing-intensive courses that also fulfill one or two other Core requirements.  It is possible to determine which Core areas each X course fulfills by looking up the Required Course Indicator (RCI), also known as the CORE indicator, in the course descriptions.

The following are writing-related RCI codes and their meanings:

  • WR - Writing Intensive and Studies in Race
  • XA - Writing Intensive, the Arts, and Studies in Race
  • XC - Writing Intensive, American Culture, and Studies in Race
  • XN - Writing Intensive, Individual & Society, and Studies in Race
  • XS - Writing Intensive, International Studies, and Studies in Race

Please note that non-Writing Intensive versions of Writing Intensive courses may also be offered. They have the same course number and name as the Writing Intensive course, but their number does not start with "W"; they have not been designed to be writing-intensive; and they do not carry Core Writing Intensive credit.

Courses that are underlined in this list are designated departmental writing capstones. A writing capstone course is required in each academic major. If more than one capstone is listed here for a department, students in that major should consult their academic advisor about the appropriate course(s) for them.

Courses in italics are no longer taught but still carry Core Writing-Intensive credit for students who have taken them.

This is a comprehensive list of all approved Writing-Intensive courses--they are not all offered each semester.

W123 Auditing
W300 Senior Seminar in Accounting 

Actuarial Science
W218 Casualty Contingencies

Adult and Organizational Development

W051 Introduction to Communication for Educators


W380 Morality, Law and Advertising

African American Studies
W051 Introduction to African American Studies 
W054 Politics of Colonization 
W286 The Black Family 
W361 Studies in African American Literature
W398 Senior Seminar

American Studies
H190 Honors Radicalism in the United States
H192 Honors The American Woman: Visions and Revisions

H197 Honors The American Dream
W118 The American Woman: Visions and Revisions 
W140 Radicalism in the United States

W151 Asian American History

W152 Asian Diaspora

W153 Asian Women in Transition

W155 Asian American Topics  
W393 Senior Seminar in American Studies
W394 Senior Independent Study

W120 Fundamentals of Cultural Anthropology

W301 History of Anthropological Theory
W308 Research in Visual Anthropology
W323 Advanced Seminar in Medical Anthropology
W324 Seminar in Genetic Basis of Human Variation

W325 Biocultural Adaptation
W327 Evolutionary Perspectives on Reproduction

W332 Anthropological Photography
W380 Seminar in Human and Primate Evolution

W082 Vernacular Architecture

W246 Nonwestern Architectural History Seminar
W261 Professional Practice

W441 Seminar in Architectural Theory
X001 Introduction to Design and the Environment
X171 History of Form of Cities
X192 Honors History of Form of Cities

W192 Art Seminar 
X069 Introduction to Visual Language: Drawing
X099 Honors Introduction to Visual Language: Drawing

Art History
W111 Art of Greece  
W112 Art of Ancient Rome 
W130 Baroque/Rococo: Italy and Spain
W131 Baroque/Rococo: Northern  
W229 Greek and Roman Sculpture
W278 Art Nouveau 
W300 Topics in Art History
W306 Topics in Art History
W308 Topics in Art History
W310 Topics in Art History  

Asian Studies
W122 Introduction to Buddhism
W162 Indian Religion
W191 Asian Diaspora

W224 Japanese Popular Culture and Its Literature
W260 Introduction to Islam
W300 Seminar in Asian Studies
W303 Topics in Asian Studies I
W304 Topics in Asian Studies II
W311 Modern Japan: Empire, War, Society
W317 Asian Women in Transition


W202 Cell Function
W204 Cell Structure and Function
W237 Experimental Marine Biology

Broadcasting, Telecommunications and Mass Media
W273 Writing Workshop
W312 Communication in Organizations
W321 History of Broadcasting 
W333 Global Telecommunications
W343 Mass Media and Children
W349 Advanced Topics in Social Processes
W372 Broadcast Production Practicum

Business Administration
W361 Business Policies
H391 Honors Business Policies

W391 Honors Business Policies

W237 Physical Chemistry Laboratory
W314 Techniques of Chemical Measurement II 

Civil and Construction Engineering Technology
W361 Capstone in Construction
W362 Capstone in Design

Civil Engineering
W001 Introduction to Civil Engineering
W147 Environmental and Safety Aspects of Construction

Communication Sciences
W051 Introduction to Human Communication
W103 Communication Deviations and Disorders

W106 Psychology of Communication  
W211 Syntax
W311 Goals and Strategies for Communication Instruction

W336 Orientation to Clinical Management

W360 Field Research in Communication

Community and Regional Planning

W350 Senior CRP Capstone Seminar

Computer and Information Sciences
W201 Information Systems Analysis and Design
W223 Data Structures and Algorithms 
W281 Information Systems Analysis and Design
W301 Project in Information Science
W338 Software Engineering 
W381 Information System Implementation


W220 Art Workshop in Scotland (capstone in Ceramics/Glass)
W292 Metals Concepts and Criticism 
W387 Business Practices in Crafts (capstone in Metals)

Criminal Justice
W130 Nature of Crime 
W145 Planned Change in Criminal Justice

Critical Languages
W120 Japanese Popular Culture and Literature

H190 Honors Japanese Popular Culture and Literature

W300 Creative Process in Dance
W315 Dance Modernism in America, 1890s-1950s

W316 Dance Post-Modernism in America 1950s-Present  
W397 Senior Seminar

W237 Economic Development of Modern Europe

W255 Energy, Ecology and Economy
W262 Health Economics 
W302 Economics Writing Seminar
X051 Macroeconomic Principles

X060 Education and Schooling in America

Electrical Engineering (EE)
W090 Science and Technology: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow
W091 Technology and the 21st Century
H094 Engineering from Pyramids to Microchips 

Electrical Engineering Technology (EET)
W166 Instrumentation and Measurement Laboratory

W373 Sensors and Data Acquisition

Engineering (ENGR)
W233 Materials Science for Engineers 
W241 Economic Analysis (was W141)
W361 Senior Design Project I
W362 Senior Design Project II

Engineering Technology (ET)
W123 Materials Technology 
W223 Materials Technology (was Materials Science)

W362 Engineering Technology Project II

H191 Intermediate Honors: Peer Tutoring
W082 Introduction to Fiction

W100 Introduction to English Studies  
W101 Developing Prose Style 
W102 Technical Writing 
W103 Writing the Research Essay
W104 Writing for Business and Industry 
W105 Literacy and Society 
W106 Texts and Cultures of Science 
W107 Creative Writing: Poetry 
W108 Creative Writing: Fiction

W112 Technologies of Writing

W116 Survey of American Literature I  
W133 Shakespeare 
W160 Women in Literature 
W202 Advanced Creative Writing: Fiction 
W203 Advanced Creative Writing: Poetry 
W211 English Syntax
W260 Themes and Genres in Women's Literature
W275 Feminist Theory 
W310 Studies in Literacy
W320 Studies in Early American Literature 
W321 Studies in 19th Century American Literature
W322 Studies in Modern American Literature
W323 Studies in African American Literature
W330 Studies in Medieval Language and Literature
W331 Studies in Shakespeare
W332 Studies in Renaissance Literature
W333 Studies in Restoration and 18th Century Literature
W340 Studies in Romanticism
W341 Studies in the Victorian Age
W342 Studies in Modern British Literature
W350 Studies in World Literature
W351 Studies in Irish Literature
W352 Studies in Drama

W353 Studies in Poetry

W370 Studies in Film

W371 Studies in Criticism

W379 Advanced Topics: Postcolonial Studies
X084 Introduction to Literature

English Education, Elementary
W120 Teaching Language Arts
W260 Teaching Introductory Language, Reading, and Writing

Environmental Engineering Technology (ENVT)

W331 Pollution Control Processes

Environmental Studies
X050 Environment and Society
W156 Philosophical Perspectives on the Environment

W252 Problems of Environmental Quality

W258 Social History of American Medicine
W300 Senior Research Seminar

Film and Media Arts
W320 Writing for Media II 
W360 History of Documentary 
W362 Contemporary American Documentary 
W368 History of Narrative Film
W391 Topics in Film Study

W213 Bank Management
W350 Seminar in Financial Management

W122 Composition I  
W232 Composition II

General and Strategic Management
W362 Advanced Entrepreneurship
W381 International Strategic Management

Geography and Urban Studies 
W050 Environment and Society
W131 Urban Systems in Global Economy

W212 Gender, Race, Class and the City
W221 Urban Policy Analysis (was W120)

W252 Problems of Environmental Quality 
W282 Research Methods in Geography and Urban Studies
W300 Senior Seminar in Geography and Urban Studies
X050 Environment and Society
X060 World Urban Patterns
X080 Geography of the United States and Canada

H391 Honors Environmental Seminar
W301 Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology 
W302 Structural Geology 
W381 Environmental Seminar

W231 Composition I

Graphic Art and Design 
W214 Graphic Design Workshop in Japan  
W349 Art Career Workshop
W362 Senior Portfolio

Greek, Ancient
W101 Readings in Greek Literature I

Greek and Roman Classics
W160 Ancient Historians
W161 Ancient Historians
W240 Literatures
W241 Romans and Their Literatures
W251 Classical Greek and Roman Mythology
W252 Comparative Mythology
W253 Hebrew Myth and Legend
W254 Classical Epic
W260 Topics in Cultures
W261 Topics in Cultures 
W263 Ancient Cities: Periclean Athens
W264 Ancient Cities: Hellenistic Alexandria
W265 Ancient Cities: Augustan Rome
W266 Ancient Cities
W267 Ancient Cities: Byzantium

W278 Jewish Humor: Past and Present 
W279 Literature and Art of the Holocaust 
W290 Classical Mythology 
W292 Topics in Classical Culture

H290 Honors Classical Mythology 
H292 Honors Comparative Mythology
X071 Greek Drama and Greek Culture  

Health Information Management 
W181 Acute Care Internship  
W281 Nonacute Care Internship

Health Related Professions

W312 Research Methodology

Healthcare Management
W301 Integrated Delivery Systems and Managed Care
X101 Introduction to Healthcare Management

W101 Readings I
W279 Literature and Art of the Holocaust (in translation) 

W105 Beginnings of European Civilization 
W106 Medieval and Renaissance Europe
W111 Asian Diaspora

W156 Modern Jewish History

W178 Eastern Europe in the 20th Century
W215 Asian Women in Transition

W255 Jews, Judaism, and the Modern World

W256 Eastern Europe: Nationalism, Authoritarianism, and Communism (was W355)

W257 History of American Medicine
W340 Modern Japan: Empire, War, Society
W345 Revolutionary Mexico
W355 Eastern Europe: Nationalism, Authoritarianism, Communism (was W178)

W370 Social History of American Medicine (was W257)
W386 Writing Seminar in American History
W387 Writing Seminar in European History
W388 Writing Seminar in Third World History
W397 Contemporary Theory and Practice of History
X067 U.S. History to 1877
X093 Honors World History: Ancient
X094 Honors World History: Modern

W395 Senior Seminar

Human Resource Management
W310 Organization and Staffing

Intellectual Heritage

X051 Intellectual Heritage I

X091 Honors Intellectual Heritage I

X052 Intellectual Heritage II

X092 Honors Intellectual Heritage II

W133 Composition I: Italian Composition and Conversation 
W250 Composition II: Advanced Writing Skills

W360 Creative Writing through Reading

Jewish Studies
W122 Modern Jewish History
W221 Introduction to the Bible
W233 Jewish Humor: Past and Present
W342 Independent Study in Jewish Studies

W231 Magazine Article Writing 
W323 Advanced Public Relations Writing 
W372 Broadcast Production Practicum
W382 Journalism and the Law  

W205 Social & Psychological Aspects of Physical Activity

Landscape Architecture
W318 Western Traditions of Landscape Architecture
W319 American Traditions of Landscape Architecture

W241 Western Traditions of Landscape Architecture (was W318)
W242 American Traditions of Landscape Architecture (was W319)

W332 Landscape Architecture Design VI: Spring Senior Studio (was W393)
W390 Fall Senior Seminar
W391 Spring Senior Seminar
W392 Fall Senior Studio
W393 Spring Senior Studio
W397 Senior Studio

W101 Readings in Latin Literature I

Latin American Studies

W138 Topics in Latino Studies

W139 Topics in Caribbean Studies
W140 Topics in Latin American Studies I

W141 Topics in Latin American Studies II
W315 Latin American Studies Seminar

Legal Studies
W112 Legal Research, Writing, and Advocacy
X093 Honors Tobacco in America
X091 Honors Law in Society
X199 Honors Law and Ethics in Business

Management Information Systems

W201 Business Process Analysis

W301 Information Systems Implementation

W160 Consumer and Buyer Behavior 
W360 Marketing Strategy Planning

W361 E-Commerce Marketing Strategy

W062 A Cultural Approach to Mathematics 
W092 Honors A Cultural Approach to Mathematics 
W115 Mathematical Recreations 
W141 Basic Mathematical Concepts 
W195 Honors Mathematical Recreations 
W205 Modern Algebra
W363 Senior Problem Solving
X195 Honors Mathematical Recreations A
X196 Honors Mathematical Recreations B

Mechanical Engineering Technology
W223 Materials Technology (was W123) 
W361 MET Project I
W362 MET Project II

Music Education
W230 Teaching General Music 
W364 Music Therapy Research 

Music Studies
W260 Music in History 
W261 Music in History
W271 Theory Seminar II

W130 Teaching Strategies for Health Professionals 
W202 Nursing IV
W242 Epidemiology in Nursing Systems

W250 Research Methods

W289 Leadership for Registered Nurses
W394 Nursing Leadership

Occupational Therapy
W107 Clinical Reasoning I
W201 Applied Concepts of OT II
W205 Clinical Reasoning II 
W207 Clinical Reasoning III

Organizational Studies

W393 Senior Seminar in Organizational Studies

Painting, Drawing and Sculpture 
W286 Painting, Drawing, Sculpting Seminar 

W050 Philosophic Issues  
W100 Introduction to Philosophy
W156 Philosophical Perspectives on the Environment
W293 Pre-Law Tutorial
W298 Senior Seminar
X050 Philosophical Challenges to the Individual

W215 Advanced Laboratory

Political Science
H101 Honors Introduction to Political Philosophy

W101 Introduction to Political Philosophy
W135 Urban Politics and Problems 
W190 Political Fiction 
W244 Politics of Modern Capitalism 
W262 The International Legal Order

W291 Junior Honors Capstone Seminar
W292 Junior Honors Capstone Seminar

W340 Capstone Seminar in Political Science

W391 Senior Honors Capstone Seminar
W392 Senior Honors Capstone Seminar


W123 Scientific Thinking in Psychology 
W270 Research Methods: Learning 
W271 Research Methods: Sensation and Perception 
W274 Research Methods: Personality and Social Psychology
W275 Research Methods: Behavioral Neuroscience
W276 Research Methods: Cognitive Neuropsychology
W278 Research Methods: Developmental Psychology
W279 Research Methods: Applied Research Methodology

W371 Capstone: History of Psychology

W372 Capstone: Fields of Psychology

W373 Capstone in Psychology

W374 Capstone: Research

W375 Capstone: Honors

W394 Honors Research Problems 
X091 Honors Psychology as a Social Science

Public Health
W312 Research and Evaluation
W321 Introduction to Community Health Problems
W340 Administration of Health Education Programs

Real Estate
W106 Real Estate Valuation I

H393 Honors Death and Dying
W106 Religions of India
W122 Introduction to Buddhism
W200 Introduction to Islam
W240 Introduction to the Bible
W253 What is Christianity?
W343 Death and Dying

W370 Capstone Seminar in Religion

Risk Management and Insurance
W218 Casualty Contingency
W355 Advanced Topics in Health and Welfare Employee Benefits (was W320)
W359 Global Corporate Risk Management

W360 Advanced Risk Management and International Insurance

W231 Russian Conversation and Composition

Secondary Education

W371 Reading Problems in the Secondary Schools

Social Work 
W285 Seminar in Social Work Practice
W286 Seminar in Social Work Practice

W205 Sociology of Education
W209 Introduction to Population Studies 
W216 Altered States of Consciousness 
W238 Selected Topics in Sociology: Popular Culture 
W241 Development of Sociological Thought 
W248 Sociology of Organizations (capstone prior to 2002)
W249 Class in Modern Society (capstone prior to 2002)
W253 Aging: Sociology of Gerontology (capstone prior to 2002)
W256 Political Sociology (capstone prior to 2002)
W380 Senior Seminar
(was Doing Sociology in the Real World) (capstone as of 2002)
X050 Introduction to Sociology
X051 Comparative Societal Development

X059 Sociology of Race and Racism
X064 American Ethnicity
X081 Men and Women in American Society
X090 Introduction to Sociology
X092 Honors Men and Women in American Society
H099 Honors Sociology of Race and Racism

W102 Composition and Conversation
W215 Advanced Writing Skills

Strategic and Organizational Communication 

H150 Honors Campaigns and Movements in America
R150 Campaigns and Movements in America
W110 News Writing and Media Relations

W284 Diverse Communication and Leadership

W323 Advanced Public Relations Writing

W350 Analysis of Public Discourse

W398 Independent Research in Organizational Leadership

W303 Classical Tradition
W304 Romantic Tradition

Therapeutic Recreation

W312 Research and Evaluation in Therapeutic Recreation

W335 Therapeutic Recreation Clinical Procedures

Tourism and Hospitality Management
W312 Research Methodology

X080 Leisure in American Culture
X081 Leisure and Culture in Developing Nations

Tyler School of Art
R188 Art, Race and the American Experience

Women's Studies

H195 Honors Politics of Diversity
H393 Honors Feminist Theory
R152 The Politics of Diversity

W115 Special Topics: Women's Studies

W126 Women in Literature

W128 Themes and Genres in Women's Literature

W206 The American Woman: Visions and Revisions

W212 Gender, Race, Class and the City

W249 Women in Modern Asia

W300 Research Seminar

W363 Feminist Theory

W375 Italian Women Writers from the Middle Ages to the Present
X051 Introduction to Women’s Studies
X081 Men and Women in American Society
X091 Honors Introduction to Women’s Studies

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