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Science & Technology

General Information
Academic Advising
Academic Policies & Regulations
College Graduation Requirements
Student Contact Information

ProgramS Of Study

Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Arts
Neuroscience Concentration
Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Science
5-Yr Masters Program
Computer and Information Science
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Science
Environmental Studies
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Science
BA, Earth Science
Bachelor of Science
Information Science and Technology
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Science
Mathematical Economics
Mathematics/Physics 5-Yr program
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Science
Minor, Electrical Science
Minor, Mechanical Science
5-year Masters program

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  Academic Programs / Science & Technology

Academic Advising

The Office of Student Services
A306 Barton Hall

Advising is essential to a productive and satisfying academic experience. The Office of Student Services in the College of Science and Technology guides students from new student orientation through graduation to ensure that they complete all degree requirements and work to their fullest potential. Faculty advisers in each major use their knowledge of departmental curriculum to help students choose courses consistent with their specific career objectives.

Specialized services offered by this office include:
· New Student Orientation- Individual advising and registration appointments for all newly admitted first semester freshmen and transfer students.

· Advising and Registration Services- Students may want to meet with professional advisers at different times during their academic career to check on remaining graduation requirements.  The walk-in and advising-by-appointment schedule is available at:  Registration with an adviser (with a signed Registration/Schedule Revision form) is required for students with a GPA below 2.00 and for any students registering for 18 or more credits.

· Petitions for Exception to Policy- are reviewed on a rolling basis by the Director of Student Services. Typical petition requests include those for overload approval, to attend another institution for a semester or summer session, and curriculum exceptions.

Departmental Advising

After their New Student Orientation advising and registration session, students who have declared majors will have their academic credentials copied and forwarded to their major department for subsequent advising by faculty advisers. (An original file is always maintained at the collegiate level in the Office of Student Services.) Faculty advising is very important in developing ties between a student's academic program and his or her professional goals. Faculty advisers may assist students in finding research opportunities and professional internships and will help students choose courses that will best prepare them for their field of interest within a particular discipline.

Academic Advising and Student's Responsibility

All academic advisers are trained to read and evaluate information carefully to give students the best possible advice. However, primary responsibility for curriculum completion rests with the student. Every student must be aware of the requirements of his or her degree and should obtain advising on a regular basis to ensure timely completion of his or her program.

Student Advisers/Ombudspersons

Each department in the College of Science and Technology has a Student Adviser/Ombudsperson (SA/O) who is a qualified undergraduate student in that department. The SA/O is thoroughly familiar with requirements and curricula of the department and can competently advise fellow students on the courses and faculty members of the department. He or she also has information about career options for the department’s graduates.

Student Grievance Procedure

The SA/O is familiar with the College of Science and Technology Grievance Procedure, and is the first person to consult in case of an academic grievance. The SA/O will serve as a student-faculty liaison and attempt to resolve the grievance. A student must initiate this first stage of the academic grievance procedure no later than 30 days after the beginning of the fall or spring semester immediately following the completion of the course in which the grievance occurred. A copy of the College of Science and Technology grievance procedure can be obtained from the SA/O. Each SA/O has an office in his or her department, and the SA/O program coordinator is located in the Office of Student Services.

Continuing Student Registration

Continuing student registration is the period during the fall and spring semesters when currently enrolled students should register. Degree Audit Reports (DARS) provide a compact summary of a student's progress toward a degree, including a list of requirements yet to be completed. Students obtain their DARS documents from the office of their major departments.

Prior to processing their registrations, freshmen meet with advisers to review their DARS documents, discuss course selections for the upcoming semester, and have their Personal Identification Numbers (PINs) activated. New transfer students and continuing students in good academic standing are encouraged to meet with their departmental advisers before processing their schedules via telephone registration or via OWLnet. Students ineligible to use telephone or online registration are required to meet with an adviser.

Pre-professional Advising

Students intending to pursue a degree in Pharmacy will reside in the College of Science and Technology. The curriculum and advising of these students are specifically tailored to fulfill the prerequisites set forth by the Temple University School of Pharmacy.

Many of the courses required by professional programs such as dentistry, medicine, pharmacy, and veterinary medicine are incorporated into College of Science and Technology curricula. This approach allows our students to fulfill degree requirements, while at the same time meeting admissions criteria for professional and graduate programs.

Knowledge gained in the College of Science and Technology curricula provides the foundation needed in preparing for Professional School entrance exams.


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