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Bachelor of Science
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Bachelor of Science
5-Yr Masters Program
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Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Science
Environmental Studies
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Science
BA, Earth Science
Bachelor of Science
Information Science and Technology
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Arts
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Mathematical Economics
Mathematics/Physics 5-Yr program
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  Academic Programs / Science & Technology


Dr. David Grandstaff, Department Chair
Dr. Jonathan Nyquist, Adviser
209 Beury Hall
(215) 204-7484

The Department of Geology offers two different undergraduate programs, one leading to the B.S. in Geology and the other leading to the B.A. in Earth Science.

The B.S. program prepares students for immediate entry into a career in geology or for graduate studies. Career opportunities for geologists in industry and government include environmental planning, evaluation of waste disposal sites, groundwater monitoring, and exploration for natural resources. The B.S. program is excellent preparation for graduate study and ultimately for a career in research, teaching, industry, or government.

The B.A. program is not intended for prospective geologists. The B.A. program is suitable for pre-medicine or pre-law students or for students planning to teach earth science in secondary school.

A departmental field trip for undergraduate students, graduate students, and faculty will be conducted during the fall semester.

B.A. in Earth Science

First semester of introductory or general chemistry w/ lab, College Math or Calculus I, and the following Geology courses: C050, W381, and three electives from the following five:  Geology 0201, 0210, 0211, 0212, 0261.  Five additional science electives must be chosen with no more than three from the same department:  Three courses must be numbered above 0100.  These electives must be taken from the following list:

Anthropology 0124, 0125, 0248, 0280
Biology C083, C084, W237, 0241
Chemistry C062/C064, or C072/C074, 0121/0123, 0122/0124
Geology 0310
Geography & Urban Studies 0254, 0257, 0260, 0262
Physics C087 or 0121, C088 or 0122

Fall Courses Recommended for Advancing Students in the Major for the B.A. in Earth Science

B.S. in Geology

Calculus I, II; general chemistry I, II; calculus-based physics I, II; Geology C050, 0201, 0211, 0212, 0261, 0301, W302.  In addition, Field Geology (Geology 0352) taken in the summer; and three upper level science or mathematics electives, at least one of which must be in a discipline other than geology.

Summer term: B.S. Geology 4-6

Fall Courses Recommended for Students Advancing in the Major for the B.S. in Geology. 8-12

Spring Courses Recommended for Students Advancing in the Major for the B.S. in Geology. 14-16


To obtain a minor in Geology, students must complete 20 hours of courses in Geology. Geology C050 with laboratory is required. The remaining courses at or above the 0100 level are chosen with the approval of the Undergraduate Geology Advisor.

Senior Research Project

Students whose cumulative GPA is at least 3.25 at the end of the first semester of their junior year are eligible to undertake a senior research project. In the second semester of their junior year, students must select a faculty research adviser and, with the adviser, prepare a written research proposal. After approval of the proposal by the research adviser and the Chair of the Undergraduate Committee of the Department, the student may register for three hours of Geology 0293-0294 (Individual Study Program), in the summer and each semester of the senior year (up to a total of nine hours), to carry out the research project. Normally, the project will involve field or laboratory work in the summer between the junior and senior years and lead to presentation of the results at a departmental seminar at the end of the senior year.

Distinction in Major

To graduate with Distinction in Major, students are required to achieve a 3.5 GPA for the aggregate of courses required for the B.S. in Geology or the B.A. in Earth Science.


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