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Science & Technology

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College Graduation Requirements
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ProgramS Of Study

Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Arts
Neuroscience Concentration
Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Science
5-Yr Masters Program
Computer and Information Science
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Science
Environmental Studies
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Science
BA, Earth Science
Bachelor of Science
Information Science and Technology
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Science
Mathematical Economics
Mathematics/Physics 5-Yr program
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Science
Minor, Electrical Science
Minor, Mechanical Science
5-year Masters program

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  Academic Programs / Science & Technology


Requirements for the Bachelors of Science (B.S.) and the Bachelors of Arts (B.A.) Degrees

The College of Science and Technology offers two undergraduate degrees: a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) or a Bachelor of Science (B.S.). The B.A. degree gives students a broad-based education, including the study of a foreign language. The B.S. degree is for those students who wish for more specialized training in their chosen disciplines.

Credit Hour Requirements
The College of Science and Technology requires that students complete a total of 123 credits. Of that total, 90 credits must be in the College of Science and Technology or the College of Liberal Arts (CLA). A course shall be classified as a College of Science and Technology or College of Liberal Arts course if it is offered by a department or program in either of the respective colleges--or if it is in the department of Economics and Art History. Of those 90 credits, 45 must be in upper level courses. Students receiving a Bachelor of Arts (as opposed to Bachelor of Science) degree must take two courses numbered 0100 or above in the College of Liberal Arts.

A student with an intercollegial or interdisciplinary studies major can obtain information concerning the minimum number of semester hours in College of Science and Technology or College of Liberal Arts courses required for graduation from his or her major adviser and from the description of the major found in this Bulletin.

These credit-hour requirements apply to students who matriculated during or after the fall semester 1995. A maximum of nine semester hours in preparatory courses (courses numbered 0001-0049) may be applied to any baccalaureate degree. Semester hours earned in Mathematics 0045, military science, and RCC-enhanced courses are not credited toward the minimum semester hours required for graduation.

Grade Point Average (GPA) Requirement

The College of Science & Technology requires that students have a GPA of at least 2.00 overall and at least 2.00 in the department(s) of their major.

Bachelor of Science Requirements

Core. In addition to the requirements above, Bachelor of Science candidates must complete the University Core Curriculum in effect at the time of their matriculation.

Major. They must also complete the requirements of a departmental major. The minimum acceptable grade in a course taken to fulfill major requirements is a C-. It is important to note that students enter the College of Science and Technology as Bachelor of Arts majors. If students wish to change their degree choice to Bachelor of Science, they must complete a declaration of major form in the Office of Student Services. B.S. majors are offered the following programs:
· Biochemistry
· Biology
· Biophysics
· Chemistry
· Computer and Information Sciences (CIS)
· Environmental Studies
· Geology
· Information Science and Technology
· Mathematics
· Mathematics and Physics
· Physics

Minor or Additional Specialization. Students pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree may also choose to fulfill the requirements of a second Major, Minor, or Additional Specialization. See below under Major and Minor Requirements.

Bachelor of Arts Requirements

Core. Bachelor of Arts candidates must complete the University Core requirements in effect at the time of their matriculation with the following difference: For the Core Language or International Studies requirement, candidates for the B.A. degree are required by the College to complete both an International Studies and a Language requirement by
(a) completing the third semester of a language (course number C061, except in Critical Languages) and one international studies course or
(b) completing the second semester of a language (course number 0052, except in Critical Languages) and two international studies courses, at least one of which must be "Third World/Non-Western."

Upper level distribution requirements. B.A. students must complete upper level distribution requirements by taking two upper level courses in one or more departments of the College of Liberal Arts or the Departments of Economics and Art History.

Students who have double majors, one of which is in the College of Liberal Arts or Economics and Art History, automatically satisfy the distribution requirement.

Major. Bachelor of Arts candidates must complete the requirements of a major. The minimum acceptable grade in a course taken to fulfill major requirements is a C-. B.A. majors are offered in the following programs:
· Biology
· Chemistry
· Computer and Information Sciences
· Earth Science (see Geology) · Environmental Studies
· Information Science and Technology
· Mathematics
· Mathematical Economics
· Physics

Minor. Students may also choose to complete the requirements for a minor. The minimum acceptable grade in a course taken to fulfill minor requirements is C-. The minor must include at least three courses discrete from the major. At least half of the courses taken by a student to fulfill the minor must be taken at Temple. Forms for declaring a minor are available in the following programs:
· Biology
· Cognitive Neuroscience (see Psychology)
· Computer and Information Sciences
· Environmental Studies
· Geology
· Information Science and Technology
· Mathematics
· Physics

Double Major. Students may complete a double major by fulfilling all requirements for both majors, including at least four discrete courses in each.


Certain courses fulfill multiple requirements. In careful consultation with your adviser, you will be able to optimize curriculum choices.

The total number of hours required for the degree may vary based on initial placement exams, transfer evaluations, individual curriculum choices, and academic programs.

The following is information about programs and majors offered in the College of Science and Technology. Listed under each degree program are the courses students must successfully complete to earn that particular B.A. or B.S. degree. These required courses are in addition to the University Core Curriculum requirements.

Students who transfer into the College of Science and Technology must complete at least 30 of their last 45 semester hours of course work at Temple and at least half of the courses required in the department of the major must be taken at Temple. Please refer to degree programs for the specific number of major courses required.


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