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Science & Technology

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ProgramS Of Study

Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Arts
Neuroscience Concentration
Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Science
5-Yr Masters Program
Computer and Information Science
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Science
Environmental Studies
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Science
BA, Earth Science
Bachelor of Science
Information Science and Technology
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Science
Mathematical Economics
Mathematics/Physics 5-Yr program
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Science
Minor, Electrical Science
Minor, Mechanical Science
5-year Masters program

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  Academic Programs / Science & Technology


Dr. C. Jeff Martoff, Department Chair
Dr. Zbigniew Dziembowski, Adviser
Barton Hall A225
(215) 204-7639

The Physics Department offers B.A. and B.S. degree programs, both of which provide excellent preparation for graduate studies. The B.S. program provides for a broadening of the more applied aspects of a student's training and is recommended particularly for those intending to enter industry with a bachelor's degree. Both the B.S. and the B.A. programs are options for those planning careers in the medical or life sciences.

Bachelor of Arts Requirements:

Calculus I, II, III; calculus-based physics I, II; and Physics 0171, 0184, 0187, 0188, 0201, 0202, 0211, W215, 0231.  In addition to these, one course must be chosen from: Physics 0161, 0221, 0306. 

Bachelor of Science Requirements:

Calculus I, II, III; calculus-based physics I, II; Physics 0161, 0171, 0184, 0187, 0188, 0201, 0202, 0211, W215, 0231, 0306; Math 0251; 2 required science or mathematics electives.  In addition to these, 2 courses must be chosen from:  Physics 0221, 0321, 0341.

Minor Requirements

Students wishing to minor in Physics should take eight semester hours of introductory Physics with laboratory (Physics C087-C088 or equivalent), Electricity and Magnetism with laboratory (Physics 0187 and 0187L) or Introduction to Electromagnetic Fields and Waves (Electrical Engineering 0220), Introduction to Modern Physics with laboratory (Physics 0188 and 0188L), and six additional semester hours of Physics courses at or above the 0100 level, chosen with the approval of the Undergraduate Physics Adviser.

Minors in Electrical and Mechanical Science

These minors are designed for Physics majors considering graduate work in Electrical or Mechanical Engineering or exploring career opportunities in branches of Engineering close to Physics. The student must maintain a GPA of 2.5 or better in these minors. Students who are interested in Engineering/Applied Physics but do not have time for a full minor should nevertheless review these minors and consult with the Physics Adviser about the possibility of taking courses in Engineering. Since Physics and Engineering Core Curricula overlap significantly, a Physics major can often learn an interesting Engineering specialty by taking a relatively modest number of courses.

(Note: The University is reviewing all school and college, major, and GPA requirements above 2.0.  Please refer to the electronic Bulletin for up-to-date information.)

Requirements for the Electrical Science Minor

Requirements for the Electrical Science Minor are: EE 0161, EE 0165, EE 0210, plus a minimum of nine semester hours of 0200 and 0300 level electives, chosen in consultation with an adviser in the Electrical Engineering Department. (The labs for Engineering 0163 and EE 0165 largely duplicate labs for Physics 0187 and Physics 0221 and are not required.) The following example elective sequence emphasizes solid state devices and might be of particular interest to a Physics major: EE 0254/0255 and EE 0256/0257.

Requirements for the Mechanical Science Minor

Requirements for the Mechanical Science Minor are: Engineering 0134 or 0131, Engineering 0133, Engineering 0234, ME 0231, plus a minimum of nine semester hours of electives. The elective courses can follow one of three tracks.

•The Thermodynamics and Combustion track comprises ME 0154, 0371, 0381, and 0372.

•The Electro-Mechanical Systems and Control track comprises EE 0063 and 0066, ME 0221, and ME 0322 or Engineering 0382.

•The Computer Aided Manufacturing track comprises Engineering 0310, ME 0375, and MET 0152.

Five-year Master's Program

This program allows a talented student to obtain both a bachelor's and a master's degree in five years. A physics major may apply for the program during the junior or senior year. Please consult the adviser for details.

Distinction in Major

A student who wishes to graduate with distinction in the major must complete all courses required for the physics major with a GPA of 3.5 or better and carry out an independent study or undergraduate thesis project. Consult the Undergraduate Physics Adviser for more details.


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