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Science & Technology

General Information
Academic Advising
Academic Policies & Regulations
College Graduation Requirements
Student Contact Information

ProgramS Of Study

Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Arts
Neuroscience Concentration
Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Science
5-Yr Masters Program
Computer and Information Science
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Science
Environmental Studies
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Science
BA, Earth Science
Bachelor of Science
Information Science and Technology
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Science
Mathematical Economics
Mathematics/Physics 5-Yr program
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Science
Minor, Electrical Science
Minor, Mechanical Science
5-year Masters program

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  Academic Programs / Science & Technology

Academic Policies and Regulations

Please see the Undergraduate Academic Policies and Regulations in this Bulletin. Students are responsible for complying with all University-wide academic policies that apply to their individual academic status. Additional and unique policies, or exceptions for the School or College of Science and Technology, appear below.

(Note: The University is reviewing all school and college, major, and GPA requirements above 2.0.  Please refer to the electronic Bulletin for up-to-date information.)

Academic Hold

Any CST student who receives a grade below C- in a course required for the major shall be placed on “academic hold” and directed to see a department or CST advisor before the priority registration period of the subsequent semester. Students will not be able to priority register until they have had the “academic hold” removed by a CST or departmental advisor.

Adding or Changing Majors or Minors

CST Students:

In order to add or change majors or minors within the College of Science & Technology (CST), a CST student must meet with an advisor in the CST’s Office of Student Services. The advisor will evaluate the student’s record in accordance with the following policy:

1. CST students in their first semester at Temple University who wish to add or change majors or minors within the CST will be automatically approved, provided they are taking or have satisfied a core level Mathematics course.

2. Continuing CST students who wish to add or change to declared majors or minors within the CST must have a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.00 or higher. Continuing CST students who wish to change their major to undeclared will be automatically approved, provided that the total of completed and registered credits is fewer than 60 credits.

Non-CST Students:

In order to add or change majors or minors within the College of Science & Technology (CST), a non-CST student must meet with an advisor in the CST’s Office of Student Services. The advisor will evaluate the student’s record in accordance with the following policy:

1. Students in their first semester at Temple University who wish to add a minor or second major within the CST will be automatically approved, provided they are taking or have satisfied a core level Mathematics course.

2. Continuing students who wish to add a minor or second major within the CST must have a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.00 or higher and must have completed a course in their proposed major or minor with a grade of C (2.0) or better.

Course Eligibility

The College of Science and Technology offers two types of undergraduate courses:

1. Lower Level courses numbered 0001-0099 or C001-C099: open to all students, including non-matriculated students who are in the process of completing or have completed required co-requisite courses and have completed appropriate course prerequisites.

2. Upper Level courses numbered 0100-0399 or W100-W399: open to all students, including non-matriculated students who are in the process of completing or have completed required co-requisite courses and have completed appropriate course prerequisites.

Courses Over Five Years Old

In admitting transfer or returning students, the College of Science and Technology will, when possible, allow credit for courses taken five or more years prior to the date of admission or readmission. The College of Science and Technology may choose not to accept courses regardless of age for credit in the major. Courses of technical nature or courses in a particularly dynamic field may not be accepted for credit.

Final determination of the acceptability of such courses is the responsibility of the Office of Student Services and generally occurs after the student has matriculated or been rematriculated.

Courses Inapplicable to Graduation

Semester hours earned in Mathematics 0045, Military Science, and RCC-enhanced courses are excluded from the total minimum semester hours required for graduation.

CST Program Performance

Students must maintain a 2.00 cumulative GPA in their major or track and make satisfactory progress toward their CST degrees to remain in good academic standing in the college. Students who are not in good academic standing in the college at the end of a semester will be warned for the following semester. Students who are not in good academic standing in the college at the completion of that following semester may be dropped from the CST programs.

Dean's List

During a fall or spring semester, a full-time student must:

1. Pass 12 or more credits applicable to graduation, excluding any CR and P grades during that semester.
2. Not receive any I, W, MG, or NR grades during that semester
3. Achieve a grade point average of 3.5 or higher during that semester.

During a fall and following spring semester, a part-time student must maintain the above criteria for 12 or more credits spread over two consecutive semesters.


Major, Minor, and Core courses must be completed with a letter grade of C- or higher. Math and CIS courses must be completed with a letter grade of C or higher.

Graduation Procedures

All College of Science and Technology students are required to complete a graduation review with an adviser in the Office of Student Services prior to the first semester of their senior year. Students should schedule a review once they have completed 75 semester hours. The graduation review involves a detailing of the courses completed and those that remain to be completed for graduation. Once a professional adviser completes the review, the Office of Student Services forwards the review to the student’s department for the faculty adviser’s approval.

Intra-University Transfer

In order to transfer into the College of Science & Technology, a student must meet with an advisor in the Office of Student Services. The advisor will evaluate the student's record in accordance with the following policy:

1. Students in their first semester at Temple University who wish to transfer into the College of Science & Technology will be automatically approved, provided that they are taking a core level Mathematics course or have satisfied the core Mathematics requirement.

2. Continuing students who wish to transfer into the College of Science & Technology must have a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.25 or higher and must have completed both a core level Mathematics course and a core level Science (or additional core level Mathematics) course, both with a grade of C (2.0) or better.

Students approved for an IUT must comply with the major requirements effective during the applicable semester of transfer.

Notice of Anticipation of Graduation

Early in the semester in which students will complete their degree requirements, they must notify the Office of Student Services in writing of their intent to graduate by completing a graduation application. Graduation applications are available at the Office of Student Services. The deadlines for returning the application are:
· October 15, 2004, for fall semester 2004
· February 15, 2005, for spring semester 2005
· June 1, 2005, for second summer semester 2005

Permission to Take Courses at Another Institution

Students in the College of Science and Technology who wish to take courses at another institution must petition the Office of Student Services for approval prior to enrolling in such a course. Petition forms are available in the Office of Student Services, A306 Barton Hall. The student is responsible for obtaining a course description from the other institution and attaching it to the petition form. The student takes the petition to the corresponding Temple department for faculty review, and then submits the petition to the Office of Student Services for final approval. Courses taken without prior approval will not be applied toward graduation.  Requests from matriculated Temple students to take courses at another institution within commuting distance (must be at least 50 miles away from Temple’s main campus) will not be approved unless there is a compelling academic justification.

At least 30 of the last 45 semester hours of course work must be completed at Temple University, and at least half of the courses required in the department of the major must be taken at Temple. In order for a student to receive University Honors, the last 60 credits must be completed at Temple University in residence as a matriculated student.

Plagiarism and Academic Cheating

Plagiarism and academic cheating are prohibited by the College of Science and Technology. The development of independent thought and a respect for the thoughts of others is essential to intellectual growth. The prohibition of plagiarism and cheating is intended to foster this independence and respect. See Academic Policies in this Bulletin.

The penalty for plagiarism or cheating as a first offense is normally an F in the course in which the offense is committed. In such cases, the instructor writes a report to the Dean and the University Disciplinary Committee. The University Disciplinary Committee adjudicates all cases and student appeals.

Prerequisites and Co-requisites

Students may be de-enrolled from courses for which they do not meet prerequisites and co-requisites.

Readmission to the College of Science and Technology

College of Science and Technology students are required to submit an application for readmission after one full semester (fall or spring) of non-attendance. Any student who has not attended for five or more years must follow the major requirements that are in place at the time of readmission. The deadline for application to readmit for the fall semester is July 1; the deadline to readmit for the spring semester is November 1, and the deadline for summer semester I and II is April 1.  Also see the University policy on Academic Warning, Probation, Dismissal and Reinstatement.

Undeclared Majors

After completing 45 credits, undeclared majors in the College of Science and Technology will be notified in writing that they need to select a major. Students who have completed 60 credits without declaring a major will have a hold placed on their record that will prevent them from registering.

Warning and Dismissal

All university policies on warning and dismissal hold with this addition: CST students who are put on Academic Warning will be required to see an academic advisor to review their proposed schedule of courses and sign an academic warning contract. If a student fails to do so within the first 5 days of the semester, he/she may be de-enrolled. See University Warning, Probation, Dismissal, and Reinstatement for more details.


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