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Science & Technology

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Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Arts
Neuroscience Concentration
Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Science
5-Yr Masters Program
Computer and Information Science
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Science
Environmental Studies
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Science
BA, Earth Science
Bachelor of Science
Information Science and Technology
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Science
Mathematical Economics
Mathematics/Physics 5-Yr program
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Science
Minor, Electrical Science
Minor, Mechanical Science
5-year Masters program

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  Academic Programs / Science & Technology


Dr. Omar Hijab, Chair
Dr. Boris Datskovsky, Director of Undergraduate Studies
(215) 204-7847
632 Wachman Hall

Mathematics majors may select either the Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) program or the Bachelor of Science (B.S.) program.

The B.A. program is a traditional program in pure mathematics. It is intended for students who plan to go to graduate school or to teach mathematics at a college or high school level after graduation. While the B.A. program has relatively few required courses, the required courses are academically demanding. The lack of heavy requirements should also provide students with an opportunity to explore their interests in and out of mathematics.

The B.S. program, which has more required courses, has an applied flavor. It is intended for students who plan to seek employment in a mathematics-related field or join a graduate program in applied mathematics or a mathematics-related field upon graduation.

Either program can be combined with the department's M.A. program, leading to the M.A. degree after five years of study.

The department offers a joint program with the Department of Physics leading to the B.S. degree and a joint program with the Department of Economics leading to the B.A. degree. Students who plan careers as secondary school mathematics teachers may choose to take a five-year interdisciplinary program, offered jointly with the College of Education, that leads to a bachelor's degree in mathematics, teaching certification, and a Master's degree in Education.

Basic Courses:  Three semesters of calculus:  Mathematics C085/H095, 0086/H096, 0127; linear algebra: Mathematics 0147 or 0148; and Mathematics 0247, 0248, 0251, 0347, W363.

Mathematics, B.A. Requirements

In addition to the basic courses, one of the following courses in Computer and Information Sciences:  CIS 0067, 0068, C071; and Mathematics W141 or 0200 or above, W205, 0305, 0365 or 0377; and one additional mathematics elective course numbered 0200 or above.

Mathematics, B.S. Requirements

In addition to the basic courses (the linear algebra course must be Mathematics 0148), calculus-based physics I, II; two of the following courses from Computer and Information Sciences:  CIS 0066, 0067, C071; and Mathematics W141 or W205, 0233, 0253; and two science/mathematics electives taken from the following list:  Actuarial Science 0305, 0306; Chemistry 0231, 0232; CIS 0211, 0242; Economics 0241; Physics 0187, 0188, 0201, 0202, 0211, 0231, 0306; or any mathematics course numbered 0200 or above; and one additional mathematics elective course numbered 0300 or above.

Intercollegial B.A. Degree in Mathematical Economics

Boris A. Datskovsky, Adviser, Department of Mathematics
Wachman Hall 632
Dimitrios Diamantaras, Adviser, Department of Economics
Ritter Annex 623

The Departments of Economics and Mathematics offer the Mathematical Economics program as a platform for systematic concentration in the mathematical approach to economics. Economics has progressed in the last several decades by making extensive use of mathematical techniques. As a result, students who wish to pursue graduate study in economics, finance, accounting and other disciplines that make an extensive use of economics need a thorough grounding in both economics and mathematics. The Mathematical Economics curriculum provides this grounding with a broad selection of courses that cover all important areas of economics and the mathematical tools required for a critical, deep mastery of these areas. This program is especially recommended for those students who intend to pursue graduate studies in Economics. The program and its requirements are described in full in the "Intercollegial Programs" section of this Bulletin.

Interdisciplinary B.S. Degree in Mathematics and Physics

Dr. Zbigniew Dziembowski, Undergraduate Majors Advisor, Physics
(215) 204-7639

Dr. Boris Datskovsky, Director of Undergraduate Studies, Mathematics
(215) 204-7847

Mathematics and Physics, B.S. Degree.

Calculus I, II, III; calculus-based physics I, II; Math W141, 0147 or 0148, W205, 0233, 0247, 0248, 0251, 0253, 0347; Physics 0161, 0171, 0187 w/lab, 0188 w/lab, 0201, 0202, 0211, W215, 0231, 0306; Math 0351 or Physics 0184.

The interdisciplinary program is jointly administered by the departments of Mathematics and Physics. For further discussion of the Interdisciplinary major, see under "dual program in physics and mathematics."

The Combined B.S./M.A. Program

To participate in this five-year program, a Mathematics major should be enrolled in either the B.A. or the B.S. program. Application to continue in the M.A. program must be made to the Graduate Chair of the department no later than the first semester of the senior year. To be accepted by the M.A. program, a student must have a GPA of at least 3.25 in Mathematics courses when the application is made. In addition to completing the B.A. or B.S. requirements, the student must complete four additional graduate level mathematics courses (numbered 400 and above) by the end of her/his senior year. If the Core and College requirements have also been met, the student will be awarded the B.A. or B.S. degree at the conclusion of this portion of the program. All courses must be passed with a grade of C- or better, and no more than two graduate courses can carry a grade less than B- for the student to continue with the M.A. portion of the program.

Fifth-Year Course Requirements

The student will take a total of six graduate level courses, selected to conform to the M.A. requirements. At the end of the fifth year, the student must either write a master's thesis or pass one of the following examinations:
Master's Comprehensive Examination in Pure Mathematics
Master's Comprehensive Examination in Applied Mathematics
Ph.D. Combined Comprehensive Examination (M.A. level pass)
For further details on the M.A. degree requirement see the Graduate Bulletin.

Minor Requirements

Three semesters of calculus (Mathematics C085, 0086, and 0127).
One semester of computer programming (Computer and Information Sciences 0067 or 0068 or C071 or Physics 0161).
Linear algebra (Math 0147) or Linear Algebra with Lab (Math 0148).
Five additional mathematics courses numbered 0200 or above; or Mathematics W141 and four mathematics courses numbered 0200 or above. (Math W141 must be taken prior to Math W205 or Math 0247.)

Distinction in Mathematics

A student who wishes to graduate with Distinction in Mathematics should apply to the Director of Undergraduate Studies no later than the second semester of the junior year. The following requirements must be met:

1.      All requirements for the B.A. or B.S. degree in Mathematics must be met with a GPA of at least 3.50 in the Mathematics courses.

2.      At the time of graduation, the student's overall GPA, including all college level courses must be at least 3.25.

3.      The student must either give a 30 minute talk to the Society of Undergraduate Mathematics (SUM)- with an audience including at least three faculty members - on a topic not part of his or her course of study; or pass a graduate course numbered 0400 or above with a grade of at least B-, and have the instructor of that course write a supporting letter. If the first option is selected, the faculty attending the talk should reach consensus on whether or not the talk merits distinction, and inform the Director of Undergraduate Studies of their decision; and in the case of the second option, the instructor of the graduate course should communicate a verbal evaluation of the student's performance to the Director of Undergraduate Studies.

4.      The Mathematics Department Executive committee will review all applications for graduation with Distinction in Mathematics, and forward its recommendations to the Dean of the College of Science and Technology.


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